Sentient Soul Ethnicity in Spirits of Verr | World Anvil
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Sentient Soul

There is a belief throughout the wetlands of Karane that death is not the end of a creature’s life. When the body expires, a creature’s soul ascended, joining The Host (a living hive of souls waiting to be reborn). It is believed that souls are not created but recycled, shuffled around over the millennia, and yet a creature would never realize. But what would happen if one remembered? The lands have been changing, ancient forces have been stirring in the west, but to the east, something even stranger has been happening. Reports of creatures, once living their lives as one usually would, are having flashes of memories that are not theirs, picking up skills they never practiced, and uncovering strange truths about themselves.   Sentient Souls are a race of creatures neither dead nor undead, simply trapped somewhere in between. They are considered living, and yet, they do not need to eat, or sleep, or breathe. Somewhere in the process of a soul finding a new body, something went wrong, and now Sentient Souls are awakening, whether through dark memories of their own murder, or the vows they swore to a loved one centuries past.   Most Sentient Souls remember one past life clearer than all the rest, it usually being the more unique or unusual of their lifetimes. Since souls are not tied to race, a Sentient Soul might be an elf who was once a proud dragonborn fighting in a war in Oris, or a human cleric who was once a goblin thief. Some stumble upon their true nature by accident, like a Tor sailor whose ship is lost at sea and yet as they sink to the bottom of the ocean, they realize they don’t need to breathe. And while Sentient Souls do not sleep nor dream, as they shut their minds off this is when memories of past lives are most likely to resurface.     Sentient Soul Traits Your sentient soul character has the following traits.   Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2, and one other ability score by 1.   Past Life. You retain some aspects of your previous race, whether it is different or the same as your current form. Choose any living race and use the age, alignment, size, speed, and languages of that race. You may have belonged to a subrace in your past life however you do not retain any of the features granted by it unless it is a change to your speed (movement, flying or swimming).   Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light.   Unresting Nature. You are stuck between life and death, a fact represented by the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
  • You have advantage on death saving throws.
  • You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
  • You don't need to sleep and don't suffer the effects of exhaustion due to lack of rest, and magic can’t put you to sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those hours in an inactive, motionless state, during which you retain consciousness.
  Recovered Knowledge. You temporarily remember sporadic glimpses of the past, perhaps faded memories from ages ago or a previous life. When you make an ability check that uses a skill, you can roll a d6 and add the number rolled to the check. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   Natural Instincts. You gain proficiency with two skills of your choice.