Rust Monster - Furrumonida caelum Species in Spira | World Anvil

Rust Monster - Furrumonida caelum

Take care of your swords, adventurers

"Something doesn't look right here" The Exterminator said.  "How long did you say the infestation has been here?" "About 3 months, why?" "There is already a hive forming in the basement." The Exterminator pointed to a sticky orange film covering the floor, and traced his finger in the air, moving up towards a large hole in the ground. Around the hole are the support beams for the basement, or rather what remains of them. All of the metal support beams in the basement have withered away, a large amount of rust coating the surfaces of the supports. "They have already made way too much progress on this basement for a 3 month old infestation. They have either been here longer or..." He trailed off. His face went white, as his arm dropped back to his side. He stared intently into the hole with a look of terror more congruous with a man who had seen an ancient terror, not a bug hive. I followed his gaze, attempting to see what he was seeing. What I saw shocked me. In the hole two milky, compound eyes peered back up at me. Those eyes were not the brainless eyes of some worker drone however. They carried an air of intelligence, and the malice in those eyes was enough to make a grown man freeze.
  Rust. The byproduct of years of wear and tear on metal, the symbol of time's toll on the constructions of civilization. You see it on ships, ancient metal structures, badly cared for swords, and even your favorite metal trinkets should you fail to take care. However, rust can be a sign of something more sinister, especially in areas of high population. In some cases, rust can be the omen of an infestation of insidious creatures known simply to commoners as Rust Monsters   Rust Monsters, or Furrumonida Caelum, are dog-sized insects of the Order Gargantua. A eusocial species by nature, the Rust Monster develops hives in areas of high industrialization and feeds on iron, steel, and other iron derived metals, leaving behind a large amount of rust. They are considered major pests and can cause significant damage to metal structures, quickly taking out supports and furniture. Their habit of creating concealed nests with hidden entrances can cause them to remain undetected until the beams and supports of their inhabited structure receive excessive damage.  Their nesting behavior is the most interesting part of their sociality. Using their excrement, a strange blend of metal and paste, they form insulated dens and cover the walls and floors of their nest in a web-like structure which is sensitive enough to alert workers up to half a mile away. These webs, if their hive grows enough, are also spun outside of their hive, forming a tapestry of complex web-like traps and alert systems that connect to the main web in the hive.   If a hive advances for long enough, they take on a trait unique among insects. They form a type of Royal Jelly which contains an incredibly high amount of magnetized iron, which is fed to a specific grub chosen at seemingly random. This grub then becomes a Matriarch Grub, which possesses numerous abilities that separate it from the average drone or soldier. First is a strong control of local magnetic fields. This control starts as a mediocre form of telekinesis, being able to lift at most 7 lbs, and grows throughout the Matriarch's lifecycle to become powerful enough to rip chunks of metal from structures and bend thick metal supports. Secondly is the development of low-level sapience, equivalent to a 2-year-old human, which allows it to form tactics and conduct pseudo diplomacy with other hives or creatures. This works well with high-level telepathy, which allows the Matriarch to communicate with any drones connected to the web, as well as any other creature within the eyesight of the Matriarch.

Basic Information


Rust Monsters are usually large for insectoids, measuring between 24 - 29 inches in height and 40-55 lbs in weight. They possess compound eyes, save for the Matriarch's who also possess a single ocellus. They have a pair of long, feather-like antennae which to 10 - 17 inches in length. They are highly articulated, allowing them to fit into tight spaces. They have a large degree of movement, being able to sweep in 180 degrees in front of the rust monster, although they usually remain swiveled back behind the head.    Their bodies consist of a three-segmented (prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax) exoskeleton of reddish-orange coloration. The body has 6 legs, with 2 pairs on the mesothorax and 1 on the metathorax. The mesothorax has thick, well developed exoskeletal plates, however, the metathorax has softer, more flexible plates. Their legs have a claw-like structure that allows them to cling to most surfaces and functions as a secondary method of attack.   Drone Rust Monsters are stockier than others of their species, having shorter legs and bulkier thoraxes. Male drones do not posses intromittent organs. Soldier Rust Monsters are slightly leaner then drones, with longer legs and an overall larger build. Matriarchs are overall smaller than others of their species and have extra sharp spike-like formations of pure magnetized iron sticking out in regular spine like formations. Male Soldiers do posses intromittent organs.   Rust Monster mandibles are curved in a horseshoe shape, and are uniquely powerful, being able to easily pierce metal. Their mandibles are coated in a specialized acid which assists in cutting metal while also heavily oxidizing it. This same acid coats their exoskeletons, however in a much less powerful form.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rust Monsters follow a yearly mating season, with male soldiers pairing up with female drones. After pairing, the two will move to an egg chamber in the Hive and the female will lay eggs while the male fertilizes the eggs externally. The eggs are mesolithic and have a soft membrane with little yolk. The outside layer of the egg is covered in a sticky film, which allows eggs to cling to walls and ceilings (a common practice in many hives as a layer of added protection).   Matriarchs are sterile, with new matriarchs being replenished from the larvae batch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rust Monsters go through 3 distinct life cycles: Larvae, Nymph, and Adult. In their larval stage, they are and have slimy acidic bodies that are nearly transparent. They produce an abundance of webs at this point in their life cycle, and Rust Monster larvae are responsible for laying a majority of the webs in the hive. After an average of 2 months, the Larvae molts into their Nymph stage. In this stage, they mostly resemble the adult stage except for underdeveloped antennae and no compound eyes and are responsible for less intensive work deeper in the Hive. After yet another month the Nymph finally enters the egg chamber in which they were laid, spins a cocoon in the middle of the chamber, and metamorphizes into their adult stage, completing the life cycle.   Matriarchs follow a slightly different cycle. The larvae which will become the Matriarch is taken from a brood of larvae at seeming random and is subsequently separated into a "throne room" built specifically for the Matriarch. They are then fed an exclusive diet of royal jelly, which changes their anatomy into a Royal Larva. Matriarchs do not possess a nymph stage, instead steadily growing as a larva before metamorphizing into their adult stage.   When a Matriarch is present in the Hive, soldiers begin to metamorphize into more specialized forms, depending on what the queen assigns that particular soldier. Forms that a soldier can take include:
  • Spitters: Soldiers which have evolved dedicated mandibles that can spit globs of a highly corrosive version of Rust Monster Acid. They possess sacs of this acid on their backs.
  • Sentinels: Soldiers who have developed bulky, extremely durable exoskeletal plates. They have a more greyish coloration due to the heightened presence of iron in their exoskeleton plates. They are also around 5 - 8 inches taller and 1-4 inches shorter than average soldiers
  • Surveyors: Soldiers who have developed specialized web organs. The webs that surveyors spin are barely detectable, being translucent with a slight orange tinge. However, these webs have the tensile strength of steel cable and are razor sharp. Surveyors spin these webs either on the ground and walls of an area to give an indiscreet addition to the web or use the webs as traps for potential invaders to the hive.

Ecology and Habitats

Rust Monsters are usually found in urban areas, preferring damp dark areas such as basements and sewer systems. They build their hives in these locations, with hives having disguised entrances that are not noticeable until later stages of an infestation, when the hive webs and paste extend out of the entrance into the local environment.   Hives are labyrinthian, with long tiny passageways leading between large, expansive rooms. Hives can extend miles into the ground and are arranged usually in a very vertical manner. The walls, floors, and ceilings of the hive are covered in an orange paste, which is produced by drones as excrement. This helps insulate the hive and deter invaders. The floors and walls are also usually covered in a thin web that extends down to the throne room.   There are a few staple rooms that are in every hive, that being:
  • Egg Room: A tall, cylindrical room filled with unhatched eggs from mating Rust Monsters. The eggs are arranged in columns extending between the floor and ceiling. The center of the room is usually filled with metamorphizing nymphs as well, with nymphs spinning cocoons in the chamber they were laid in. Soldiers usually protect this chamber.
  • Store Room: A room that is usually built to store chunks of iron taken from the local environment as well as Royal Jelly and other useful supplies the hive deems important. Drones are often seen filing in and out of this room with supplies.
  • Throne Room: The home of the Matriarch. This room hosts stores of Royal Jelly and an exclusive stockpile of food, as well as an ever-present stock of Soldiers who protect the queen. The Hive's web terminates here. This room is usually built as far down as possible in the hive.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rust Monsters have a diet consisting almost entirely of Iron and Iron alloys, as previously stated. They will hunt down sources of iron, from support beams plates and other such sources, and will use their sharp and powerful mandibles to excise chunks from the metal. They will then take them back to storerooms and store them for future consumption.   Rust Monsters use the acid on the mandibles to "chew" their food, biting into metal and coating it in their acid. Afterward, they use specialized maxillae to manipulate the food and further digest it.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Rust Monsters are found in areas of high population density across the globe, with massive hives being found in cities like Vision, Fireflood, and Silver-Heights. They tend to crowd around poorer regions, as many cities still use iron plates, supports and accents for their architecture in their older or poorer districts.

Average Intelligence

The average non-matriarch Rust Monster is near mindless, operating with a ruthless efficiency dedicated solely towards the betterment of their hive. They speak no languages, and can not be reasoned with.   Matriarchs, however, posses a level of intelligence unique among insectoids. Their intelligence is at a similar level to a 2 year old human child, and they can engage in diplomatic discussions with other creatures. They, however, still retain a one-track mindedness towards their goals and will do anything and everything for the betterment of their hive.   Rust Monsters minds are wired differently from most other creatures. They do not possess emotions as we know them, and lack a basic understanding of the ettiqute most species hold as common knowledge. For example, if an elf is constantly called "knife-ear" in the presence of a matriarch, the matriarch may call that elf "knife-ear" without understanding that it is a slur. This is due to the Matriarch not being able to understand the fundamental concept that labels given to people might not make them happy, as they view labels as purely utilitarian.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rust Monsters possess compound eyes, which give them an incredible field of view, with a sacrifice of detail and color perception. Their antennae function as smell, touch, and taste receptors, and are covered in cilia which provides highly detailed information.   Their feet are covered in similar cilia to their antennae and are specialized to be able to read and detect vibrations in their webs. They use all four of their feet to create a highly detailed map of where the vibration is located on the web, and their cilia are sensitive enough to detect a feather dropping on the web.    Matriarchs possess an extra ability: telepathy that allows them to communicate with any drone that is currently touching the hive's web or with any non-rust-monster creature within the eyesight of the Matriarch. The maximum range of the web-based telepathy is unknown, with Matriarch's being known to communicate with drones up to half a mile away.
Scientific Name
Furrumonida caelum
Drones: 4 Years || Soldiers: 3 Years || Matriarchs: 45 Years
Average Height
Drones: 24 - 29 inches || Soldiers: 25 - 32 inches || Matriarchs: 18 - 25 Inches
Average Weight
40-55 lbs
Average Length
Drones: 48 inches || Soldiers: 56 inches || Matriarchs: 32 inches

Cover image: Spira Header by Ivy Olson


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