Celestial Language in Spira | World Anvil


Celestial is the language of the gods, simple as that! When being spoken, it sounds less like a language and more like a song. It carries a very specific and melodious syllable and stress structure.   Its writing system is very symbolic(pun intended), with calligraphy forming a massive part of Angelic culture.

Geographical Distribution

This language is mainly distributed in the upper planes and is nearly exclusively spoken by Angels and Good to Neutral gods.
Common Female Names
Douma Tabbris Miniel Usiu Mumiah Asaph Gadreel Sarakiel Remiel Rehael Laurette
Common Male Names
Ansiel Gadiel Atheed Charoum Dardariel Omael Hasdiel Zophiel Rehael Chayliel
Common Unisex Names
Galgaliel Vequaniel Sareash Araquiel Labbiel Onoel Vequaniel Karlel Semyaza Tabris Gadiel Hamaliel Arael Jamaerah Nanael

Cover image: Spira Header by Ivy Olson


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