Shade Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Back when the world had only recently formed, the primordial deities were themselves still trying to figure out how everything worked. The goddess Fulla noticed that, as sapient life formed in the spheres, the Ether reacted to them. She was especially curious how fear seemed to reasonate and, her interest piqued, used her own divine power to strengthen the connection.   The surge of fear gave birth to the first shade, an event that rippled through the substances of the Ether, leading it to become more reactive to the feelings of mortals. Whether this was good or bad is hotly debated.   The shades are fears given life and each feed of a particular phobia. Their bodies are geared towards exploiting the fears, each showing off the very worst of what they embody. Most do retain strong ties to both the dark and spides, heritages of their creation at Fulla's behest.   As predators of the mind, shades rarely find many friends among the races they prey upon, but groups that have a more positive look on fear sometimes adopt them into their groups.

Basic Information


Varies heavily between types. Due to their association with Fulla, a lot of them have at least slight, spidery features on some level.   While a lot of features vary, some things are commonalities. Their bodies are amorphous, allowing them to seep in wherever they want and protecting them against harm. They are associated with darkness and can in fact heal themselves by remaining out of the light. Light, especially bright light, harms them however.   One of their most feared abilities is that of possession, allowing them to fuse with the weak-willed and turn them into their personal puppets.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shades are born out of the congealed fears of mortals.

Growth Rate & Stages

Shades spring fully formed from the Ether and only grow in experience

Ecology and Habitats

Shades tend to be drawn to where sapient creatures roam, as many of them embody fears that are too abstract for common animals. Those who embody more universal fear can be found just about anywhere.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Shades are phobiavores, feeding off the fears experienced by mortal beings. They often act so as to perpetuate and exasperate such fears in order to feast.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Shades embodying the same type of dread often group together. The size of these group depends on the local population, as too large a population of shades will not be able to wring enough fear out of people to survive. Shades whose focus compliment each other often also work together.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Shades are found on many spheres, though they are a rare sight

Average Intelligence

Shades are sapient. Their intelligence varies between types.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Being attuned to the dark, shades can see through it unhindered. their other senses depends on the type.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Shades select their own names and in general choose ones that evoke dread, more or less subtly. They thus range from Archer Evergloom to Murderguy Flenseflesh.
Scientific Name
Ambulans Timor
Does not age
Average Height
Varies depending on species
Average Weight
Varies depending on species
Average Physique
The physique of a shade depends on the type

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