Lord Profession in Spheres | World Anvil
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The lord is a leader, an inspiring figure that draws others in. Whether they be kindhearted teachers or terrifying brutes, there is no denying that lords have a magnetism to them, that makes others want to follow them.   But lords are not just giving out orders. They embody the very skills of those they lead. Mage lords are excelent spellcasters. Bandit lords are sneaky ambsuhers. War lords are terrors on the battlefield. Thus, lords can come to be seen as more than just a leader, but an outright embodiment.



To become a lord, one must demonstrate leadership capabilities, the ability to inspire, terrify or otherwise shape the minds of others towards goals. There are many types of lords, each representing unique ways of leadership. Some have been groomed from birth, other discovers their skills in moments of crisis.

Career Progression

The journey of any lord is highly varied. Some start out as small-time bandit leaders, becoming warlords that rle vast lands. Others are heirs to previous lords, trained to take the reigns of their domain, perhaps even to improve it. Others become guardians of lands, their leadership being in service to the people they protect.   As lords advance their skills, they become better at inspiring others. They develop their unique talents and combine it with their inspiration. They are often ressourceful, not only in the sense of being skilled, but also in the sense that their leadership means they often have riches and equipment available.

Payment & Reimbursement

Lords often command their own salary from whatever they govern. But as there's a direct link between the succes of the leadership and the ressources available, a given lord still has to put in some effort.

Other Benefits

Lords often receive a lot of respect for their deeds. Even crime lords and similar are feared and understood to be dangerous people. As lords often rise to the heads of organizations, they also tend to have both manpower and ressources available.



Lords are leaders and help direct and govern whatever organization they rise to the top of.

Social Status

Lords are usually considered high-class and respected, though it can wary. A bandit lord, crime lord or war lord might be considered brutish and their leadership skills might be considered more an aspect of thuggery than skill. If the lord leads a group though to be primitive, problematic or otherwise, that reputation will cling to the lord unless they can change said perception.


Low. Some groups may be lead by a pair of or even small group of lords, but those are still low numbers. Not to mention, not all leaders are lords.



Dpending on the type ofl ordship, a given lord may carry tools of office or more practical tools. It varies a lot.


Lords usually operate out of some sort of, metaphorically speaking, nerve center. Somewhere from which they can issue their orders and do their stuff. This can be everywhere from a throne room to a forward operating base camp.

Provided Services

Leadership and management.

Dangers & Hazards

As the head of their operations, lords are obvious targets for anyone with a bone to pick. The death or a lord can often throw a group into chaos if clear lines of succession has not been established, and even if they have, there is no guarantee that a given lord will be followed by someone of equal competence.
The legality of a lord is reflected by what they are lords of. Bandit lords will often be outlaws, for example, but mage lords and royal lords often have national backing.


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