Lion Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Feline predators native to warm grasslands, lions are dangerous packhunters and opportunistic scavengers. They compete with other predators and often bully or kill them. They are one of the more dominant forces of the plains they call home.   Lions prefer to attack from a position of strength and employ ambush tactics, often to great effect, especially in areas with tall grass. Once engaged, the pack ferociously coordinates to allow members to attack weak spots, such as the throat.

Basic Information


Lions are large feline mammals, with four legs and a tail. They possess sharp teeth for puncturing and sharp claws. Their fur is a golden-ish color. They are well-adapted to warmer climates and deal well with hotter temperatures.

Biological Traits

Male lions possess a notable mane of hair around their head and are generally stockier than the females.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lion mating occurs sporadically between the pack's leading male and the females. Gestation lasts 100-120 cycles, though it seem to synchronize between females of the same pack. Cubs are born in litters of one to four.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lion cubs are born blind and very much helpless, reared seperately from the main pride by their mother to minimize risks. After four decacyles, they can see and walk. About this time, the mother begins reintegrating in her pride alongside the cubs. After a couple of years, most males and sometimes females are forced out of the pride.

Ecology and Habitats

Lions prefer open grassland within warmer climates. As hypercarnivores, they have an impact on keeping local herbivorous populations in check. They're also known to kill other predatory animals they share territory with.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lions are hypercarnivores. Their food comes from a combination of hunting and scavenging. They hunt through a combination of ambushing and pack tactics, taking down mid-size animals. For scavenging, they use their nose and look for the tell-tale signs of dying or dead animals. They will even steal the kills of other predators.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lions live in prides, which consist of ten to twenty lions. Prides are either primarily female, with a few, usually one, male, or primarily male. Some lions are also nomads and not members of a given pride. Pride members hunt together and defend their territory together. Food is shared, though first priority goes to the healthiest adults, with young or older lions getting seconds.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Lions have adapted to a number of spheres. As long as there's warm grassland, lions tend to settle in.

Average Intelligence

Lions demonstrate some analytical capabilities, such as for assessing potential threats or using rudimentary tactics when hunting.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyes of lions are well-adjusted to maximise the intake of light, allowing them to navigate nighttime with more ease.
Scientific Name
Regius Leo
10-20 years
Average Height
1.0 - 1.2 meters
Average Weight
130 - 200 kilo
Average Length
1.7 - 2.1 meters


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