Giant Wasp Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Giant Wasp

Giant wasps are, as the name indicate, very large members of the wasp species. They live in hives constructed from pulped wood, which the nest's drones produce by chewing on nearby trees. Thus, a clear indicator of a nest's presence is the scars the nearby trees bear. They are not necessarily hostile, but can be a problem if they raid farmland for small animals to eat or harasses traders carrying sugar.   If provoked, they will defend themselves and their hive, attacking in well-coordinated swarms. So skilled are they that a common myth is that they share one single mind. This is not the case, but seeing them in action, one wouldn't be blamed for believing it. Their bodies cannot tolerate extremes of cold and ice is one of the most effective ways of dealing with them.

Basic Information


The body of the giant wasp very much resembles their smaller kindred. Their body is divided into three sections, with a head, thorax and abdoment. Their head possesses to compound eyes and their mouth. Six legs and four wings are attached to the thorax. Their abdomen possesses a stinger, which is capable of delivering a poison that causes an intense pain response. Their entire body is covered in a black and yellow exoskeleton.

Biological Traits

Queen wasps are bigger than the drones and has a larger stinger, which doubles as an ovipositor. They also have the longest lifespan. Breeder wasps lack the drone's stinger entirely, which is replaced by softer genitals for inseminating queens.

Genetics and Reproduction

Giant wasp eggs are laid by the nest's queen. If fertilized, they turn into drones and if unfertilized, breeders. If the colony is doing well, a larva may be fed enough to grow into a new queen, who mates with one of the males before setting out to found a new colony. These eggs soon hatch into larva, which must be cared for by other colony members for about four to six decacycles before they mature. Over the next couple of decacycles, these new adults will start contributing to the colony.

Growth Rate & Stages

The eggs laid by the queen soon hatch into larva, which must be cared for by other colony members for about four to six decacycles before they mature. Over the next couple of decacycles, these new adults will start contributing to the colony.

Ecology and Habitats

Giant wasps prefer to dwell in wooded areas or areas near woodland, as they use the pulped wood for nest structure. They can tolerate a wide degree of temperatures, but avoid areas that freezing or near freezing.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Giant wasps are opportunistic omnivores, foraging for plants and hunting smaller animals. Much of the food is carried back to the colony, in the wasp's stomach if nothing else, to be directly fed to needing larva or stored for the colony itself.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the giant wasps is divided into three groups. The queens found colonies and initially is responsible for all jobs, including construction, foraging, tending the first larva and so on. If the colony is succesful, the starts leaving more of those jobs for the drones and the breeders, focusing much more on just laying new eggs. If the colony goes through hard times, it is not unusual for a queen to start assisiting though. Drones do most of the day to day work, tending to larva, expanding on the nest and foraging for food. Breeders mostly exist to fertilize newborn queens, but have been known to fight off intruders or even do basic work in cases where all or most of the drones are otherwise occupied. Should the queen die, the colony will usually die out soon after. However, if a new queen was beeing reared, they have been known to take over leadership of the hive.


While not truly domesticated, it is possible to in a way form alliances with them. Giant wasps can be mollified with food, especially content high in sugar. They can come to remember people as being bringers of this food and thus avoid harming them. There has even been cases of giant wasp hives mobilizing if the people they've come to accept are in danger.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Giant wasps are a very successful species that has come to dwell in most spheres that doesn't have a freezing climate

Average Intelligence

Giant wasps demonstrate good memory, awareness and tactical skills.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The antenna of the giant wasp grants it a keen sense of smell, allowing them to find food over long distances. Their eyes are not the best, but when combined with their antenna, they are capable of decently navigating during nighttime. As they are covered in a solid exoskeleton, they receive tactile information about the world through numerous hairs that cover them.
Scientific Name
Magna Vespa
20 years for a queen, 10 for other types
Average Height
0.7-1.0 meters
Average Weight
95-110 kilos
Average Length
1.2-1.5 meters


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