Clockworker Profession in Spheres | World Anvil
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Clockworkers operates with cogs, gears, weight and similar to create autonomous creations. Most of these are driven by wind-up mechanisms, but the most advanced of clockwork runs off magic, refuelling itself by a sort of resting process. The most famous of advanced clockwork constructs are the clockwork beings, clockwork creations with an actual sense of self and personality.



Usually clockworkers apprenticed under veteran clockworkers, though in more urbanized areas, universities and schools may offer education and certification.

Payment & Reimbursement

Clcokworkers are well paid. In many places, they are independent and paid on a per commission basis and quite well at that. In more urbanized areas where demand for clockwork can be much greater, they may instead be working in guilds or factories. In either case, due to the skills required, they are well paid.

Other Benefits

Clockworkers can often achieve great fame for their creations. As it is a profession that requires a great level of skill, they are in general respected for their abilities.



Clockworkers create elaborate contraptions that can serve a variety of purposes, from entertainment to security.

Social Status

Considered both a practical and artisan profession, clockworkers are highly regarded.



A variety of common tools are used to carefully assemble the clockwork components. Clockworkers who make their own components also use smithing tools and those who can bind magic into their creations use appropriate tools for their particular school of magic.


Metals and alloys are required. For the most advanced of clockwork constructions, such as clockwork beings, the materials also need to be resistant to heat.


The workplace of a clockworker is usually well-organised, if only to prevent small components from getting lost. A larger area is usually dedicated to the actual constructions, the better to avoid an accidental activation of a limp from ruining good furniture.

Dangers & Hazards

Clockwork contraptions are complex assemblies of moving parts and more than one clockwork has lost a finger or three to churning gears. With larger projects, parts can be accidentally triggered and a hit with an iron limb can break bones. The larger and most advanced constructs involve caches of gears large enough to devour a human and weapons more than capable of taking a person's head off. In those cases, accidents can be fatal.
Alternative Names
Clockhead, Gear Guy, Tock,
High, though starting to be challenged by steamworkers and electricians
There's in general nothing stopping clockworkers from working, but there may be local laws against powerful or armed constructs. The creation of sapient clockworks may also be heavily legalized.
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