The Seventh Tower Building / Landmark in Sphereous | World Anvil
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The Seventh Tower

Written by World's Senter

The Seventh Tower owned by the Seven and their seven sevens of apprentices
"Seven and seven is seventy seven, and seven sevenths makes one whole, and several seeds of several fruits grow seven different plants, and seven lives did live the cat, and seven times did it bat, and seven fleas on seven cats is seven hours of scratching, now seven lines shall we repeat and send your soul to heaven.. " ritual incantation of the Seven.
The Seventh Tower is a mysterious magical stronghold, the only within the massive area known as the Pack of Wolves. The Pack is infamous for perpetual war, and a strong dislike of anything magical. The Seven were forced to protect themselves, and so they cast an invisibility spell on this strange tower which only they can lower, and set the tower afloat on the cursed lake (a salt water lake that was named for its scarcity of life). In it the Seven practice gods know what. The Seven are both mysterious and dangerous, but this tower has been their story of success.

Purpose / Function

Just about the only way the Seven could protect themselves and their studies from prying armies of anti-magic sentiment was to hide. The Seventh Tower is supposed to be the Seven's seventh attempt at making a floating tower, though the eccentric nature of the Seven might have lead to these first six failures. The tower is invisible to those looking at it through normal vision, though it is said that far-realm creatures can still see it. This magic cloak requires great quantities of dragon dust, though that is easy since one of the three known dragon dust mines is at the nearest mountain.


The Seventh Tower is a heptagonal shape forty nine meters in height. Seven towers branch out of the main stem at seemingly random locations. At its base are seven doors each of a different color. Across its average height are seventeen windows each with seven panes. Not all of the windows are heptagons, seven of them are not. The tower is twenty seven meters wide at the base, and narrows slightly towards the top. It is made of balsa wood, coated with aluminium which in turn is covered with seven layers of paint. The tower is very light with thin walls. It is stifling hot and bone dry on the inside and damp and cold on the outside. While the tower is magic, it does not appear to be able to resist siege artillery for any length of time, making it the weakest fortification in all of the Pack of Wolves.

Sensory & Appearance

Internally, each section of tower is customized by its inhabitant mage, and that mage's seven apprentices, and those apprentices' seven familiars, etc. The levels are as follows: seventh level, meteormancy (storms) ; sixth level, hydromancy (ice) ; fifth level, pyromancy (fire) ; fourth level, geomancy (earth) ; third level, necromancy (no explanation needed) ; second level, photomancy (light) ; first level, hypnomancy (illusion) . The first level is adorned with mirrors, the second with plants, the third with cadavers, the fourth with fossils, the fifth with various candles and incense, the sixth with fish tanks, and the seventh with lightning rods and electric generators. Many painting, and even more books coat the walls ceilings and sometimes even floors of the Seventh Tower.


The seven members of the Seven, each with their seven apprentices, each apprentice with seven familiars, each familiar with seven parasites reside here.

Contents & Furnishings

Book shelves adorn the walls. Orbs, wands, staffs, and all other matter of arcane magics lay on shelves. The furnishing are bland, and most importantly, flameproof.


The Seven value knowledge and power. They hold various artifacts that might be of some worth, but by large the only reason someone would attack the Seventh Tower is to kill the Seven and their seven sevens.

Hazards & Traps

The Seven have no use for traps. The numerous mages, on the other hand, make the Seventh Tower a very hazardous place to be.

Special Properties

The tower is supported by a massive float extending deep into the cursed lake. This float is weighted to prevent the tower from capsizing. The tower also can warp light around itself effectively rendering it invisible.


No known alterations have been made to the Seventh Tower, though it seems only sensible that the Seven alter it seven times every seventh year when seven armies send seven kings to heaven...


The Seventh Tower is a seven sided building with seven levels seven meters high. Each level has seven landings. Each landing, seven gargoyles in the likeness of cats. It is a marvel to behold; not because it is large, nay it is quite small compared to other great abodes; not because it is built like some necromancers lair; it is the fact that it floats on water seemingly effortlessly.


Since its founding on the seventh day of the thirteenth Godwar to the present day (nearly three thousand years later), the Seventh Tower has stood the test of time. Actually the Seventh Tower is only several hundred years old, but various other "Seventh Towers" have been owned by the Seven, and so its exact founding is mostly unknown. It has been the target of many an attack, but those few who can find it are hard pressed to stop seven and seven sevens more mages from blasting apart the offenders. The Seventh Tower has hosted Arcan Godmage several times, but generally, only the Seven and their apprentices ever occupy it.
Alternative Names
The Mage Tower, the Seven, The Tower Seven, The Tower of the Seven
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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Cover image: by C.S. Snake

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Feb 15, 2019 19:41 by Hannah Reeves

This is so cool! Wow! I followed!

Feb 16, 2019 15:50

Thank you! The article for the Seven themselves is almost done, so you can learn about them soon. (I know the Seven are a little ridiculous, but that is what makes them funny.)

Feb 18, 2019 18:11

I don't know what seven means anymore….

Feb 20, 2019 02:08

Seven is the seventh root of seven to the seventh power multiplied by seven sevenths plus seven minus one.

Feb 20, 2019 02:09

I lost the game... there you go. that's what you get