Astral Elves in Spelljammer | World Anvil
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Astral Elves

Seeking to be closet to their Dragon-God Isaluna the ancestors of the Astral Elves set off Into the Astral Sea on some of the first Spelljammer ships. They are some of the most proficient sailors as they have no home planet and thus spend most of their long life sailing the seas in massive flotillas

Physical Description

  Astral Elves look like your typical terrestrial elf having long pointed ears and slender elongated faces, the Astral Elf does have several notable phenotypes exclusive to the space dwelling species including, purple skin and lack of an iris. The average height of the Elf is between six to seven feet tall, due to their low gravity environment, which also gives them the characteristic of being relatively frail and thin in appearance.


  Having been a sea faring species since before the Titan Age the Astral Elves are highly adapted to sea travel, living on ships Astral elves form large fleets called flotillas consisting of a dozen or so ships. Astral elves organize their society in clans based on ones ship with captains serving as the clan head. Flotillas have several clan heads creating a kind of oligarchical republics with rank based on the strength of a clans given fleet.
  Tattooing has an important place in elf society, elves use purple and tattoo ink to darken their skin making it more reflective of the asternal sea, White ink is then used to create patterns of stars. Clans have unique patterns to identify ones to distinguish their own. Many elves also create decorative horns out of wood or ivory in order to honor their Dragon-God Isaluna


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