Yondar Species in Special Agent | World Anvil


Basic Information


Unlike most intelligent species known to the galaxy, the yondars have a very particular biology since they have ammonia as their natural solvent and have a biochemistry based on silicon. As a result, they have several very special characteristics, such as an absence of DNA which allows them to resist the more intense radiation they receive on their home planet and fewer but more versatile internal organs. On the side of their external appearances, their real bodies take the form of a gelatin composed of silicon surrounded by a dense protective shell of silicon oxide who act like an exoskeleton, the whole being connected by semi-flexible members also very resistant.

They have two limbs serving as their legs with a massive torso where most of their carapace is located, two arms ending in appendages that allow them to grasp objects and a very large head having a trapezoid shape. This is where their eyes and the equivalent of their ears are located, which are two very small cavities with the hearing apparatus inside their body. The silicone that covers their body can have a different color and relief, some have even made themselves by their ancestors which has been passed on to the next generation.

Genetics and Reproduction

The yondars have a somewhat special reproduction, the latter have an asexual reproduction which consists of the reproduction of part of their cells which are expelled from their body, the growth then occurs outside the body of the cell donor. This species has no DNA and stores their genetic information in chemical markers which have the particularity of being able to modify themselves, which explains the absence of cancer and their resistance to radiation. The reproduction cycles can be done approximately in twenty years with three possible young since the available cells are not unlimited, this one is triggered if the conditions allow it.

Growth Rate & Stages

Yondars reach their adult height and weight fairly quickly, around the age of ten, but do not mature mentally until they are thirty due to their slower life cycle. They can start reproducing at age thirty-five, their natural peak is at one hundred and thirty, and their natural lifespan is two hundred years. This very long life expectancy and these longer life stages lead the yondars to have a much longer societal and technological evolution, but this also affects their way of seeing life, which it puts into perspective a lot.

Ecology and Habitats

The yondar homeworld is relatively single-biome due to its atmosphere consisting of a mixture of carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, gaseous ammonia, and other gases in very small amounts. The planet still has vegetation, oceans, rivers and a whole ammonia cycle, but the plant cover is still much less present than on other planets. The ideal ecological niche of the yondars is the coasts of the continent where they have access to their prey being predators and to the ammionac richer in minerals from the oceans useful to their growth. Despite this, over the time of their technological evolution, they have spread over the majority of their planet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The yondars are mainly omnivorous, they eat plants or small animals lower in the elementary chain, the second part is however more present given the lesser presence of plants on their planet. On it, plants breathe carbon dioxide by releasing the dioxide, the same for most life forms, but the latter only release carbon, the dioxide being used to synthesize polysilane. The two releases of this waste merge in the atmosphere to recreate carbon dioxide and complete the cycle.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Yondar society is slightly unequal, although there is not as such a population living in extreme poverty, there is a distinction between the bottom of society and the wealthiest. In addition, the various royal families of the different territories also form a class of their own, often serving as guides to their population and having a significant influence on the territorial governments.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The yondar are for the great majority concentrated within the Kingdom of the Houses of Youndarim because this one being the political organization which represents them within the galaxy. This organization is also the fruit of their expansion within it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The yondars have a sight as well as a hearing very developed because of the atmosphere of their native planet which makes difficult the distinction between the various elements of the landscape and transmits the sound waves badly. For the sense of smell, it is quite standard although more developed by humans, but with the difference that it is their whole body that acts as a sensor for different smells. On the other hand, they have almost no sense of taste since it mainly detects the nature of their food by smell, their mouth in general is less developed than the rest of their attributes.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The major organization of the myrran is the Kingdom of the Houses of Youndarim whose capital is the home planet of these, this organizations is the result of the expansion of yondars in the galaxy since the discovery of the wormhole network. It is this organization that represents and defends the yondar interests within the galaxy, it is also one of the galaxy's medium power which allows the yondars to have a moderate influence on galactic geopolitics.

Average Technological Level

The Kingdom of the Houses of Youndarim is approximately on the same technological level as most other entities in the galaxy. Having developed several key technologies in the field of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, nano-robotics as well as the mastery of supra-luminal travel. All these advances have made it possible to increase life expectancy, facilitate space transport and many other benefits for the population as well as the economy.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The majority languages speak by the population are Urdati, Zaxuri and Ozgun, these three languages are also the official languages of the Kingdom. Others are obviously spoken by the population, but they are more used in the private domain, the others be used in the administration and in business. The peculiarity of the Yondar languages is that they are mainly silent, this species having very little developed vocal cords mainly uses signs with their hands to communicate. However, for practical reasons, they are still able to speak coarsely, and often the sounds of voices and heavy arm thumps on their bodies are used in their languages in addition to sign language.
Scientific Name
Avari Youndarus
Average Height
1.4 - 1.7 meters
Average Weight
40 - 70 kg
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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Apr 15, 2022 17:19 by Watchman Deedly

I like the concept of the Yondar hatching inside of the mother to protect the young from the cold. In a way, it's like a crazy mash-up of a penguin/humanoid. At least, that's what I imagined. :) I am enjoying the concepts you've developed and look forward to reading more.

Watchman Deedly -Wizard Extrodinaire and Amateur Wordslinger
Apr 16, 2022 16:30 by Sacha Ricard

Your imagination is very accurate since even if I did not write it, it is quite logical with their natural climate. ;) I'm very happy that you appreciate this article, I put a lot of time on it.

Sacha Ricard
Creator of the world Special Agent
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!