Khaluun Geographic Location in Spacial Tangent | World Anvil


Khaluun is an F5 IV subgiant white star with a six bodies (four planets, two moons) orbiting it. The closest to the star is a smooth, rocky world with a methane atmosphere, slightly larger than Earth. Although rocky on the surface, the planet is highly metallic on the inside, and possesses a strong magnetic field. Due to its proximity to the star, albeit shielded by its magnetic field, it is still extremely hot on the surface at all times, only slightly approaching Earth-like worlds on the dark side. Orbiting it is a rather large rocky moon with very few craters thanks to its strategic position in the system.     The second planet from the star is another rocky world with a metallic core, although this one lacks an atmosphere. It is very small as well, barely more than half as wide as Earth.       The third planet is a rust-covered world with another metallic core. It is only very slightly larger than the third planet, and has a very thin silicate atmosphere, although due to its magnetic field being dysfunctional, the atmosphere has been degraded over time.       The fourth and final planet is a gargantuan planet, over three times as large as Earth. It has a dense metallic core, and a dense methane atmosphere. Its gravity is high enough and the atmosphere is dense enough that surrounding the planets metallic core is actually a worldwide methane ocean, with the only things splitting it are the planets few, but massive, metallic mountains that tower over the methane waves. Being fairly far from the star, the planet is fairly cool, although undermethane volcanic activity and its thick atmosphere keep it almost as Earth-like temperatures. Its moon is small and rocky, and is covered in a full layer of off-white sand that covers up its craters nicely.
Alternative Name(s)
Star System
Owning Organization


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