Cocropia Heavy Cruiser Vehicle in Spacial Tangent | World Anvil

Cocropia Heavy Cruiser (kok-rop-ia)

"The principal ship of the line of our great Republic, the platform from which ordinance will be delivered onto our enemies. The first truly offensive ship we have covered here. With a focus on firepower, its defensive capabilities are not stunted, perhaps its biggest limitation is speed and maneuverability. To continue the anology from last weeks article on the Ryuk, the Heavy Cruiser is to be the spear of which our shield wall strikes our enemies."
  - Yane's "Warships of the Republic" monthly column in the "Daily Light"

Power Generation

"You see, unlike whatever madmen designed and approved the powerplant of the Ryuk, we decided to be reasonable in our choices, we put 4 standard, off the shelf heavy reactors, souped them up a little, and that was that."
- Chief Engineer Hirund of Design Bureau West.
4x Type 3 Heavy Fusion Reactors (Hyperium)
6x Type 2 Auxiliary Fusion Reactors (Hyperium)


Continuing the trend of standardisation, the Cocropia simply has 2x standard heavy thrusters, replicated from Thu Schematics.
2x Type 1 Heavy Fusion Engines

Weapons & Armament

20x 1280cm Neutron lasers: single barreled, ball mounted, the right arm of the free world. Found on any Republic ship worth its armament, this weapon is allegedly effective against the Evergrowth, leading to its quick mass adoption. It is a foreign design however, given to us by the Bearer of Gifts. While it has not supplanted the versatile missile tube, some theorists have proposed abandoning the old Missile focused approach. This laser is however the single most powerful weapon in the Republics arsenal, short of a Hyperium bomb. It is, as a consequence of both its origin and advanced nature, relatively expensive.
  6x 600cm Plasma Fusiliers: Copied straight from the schematics found from the Thu, produced straight from their abandoned forges. It's a medium caliber plasma weapon, what more to say; some say its only here for the pretense of versitility, and that it should be abandoned in favor of the Neutron Laser.
  12x Particle Disruptors: Another weapon from the Thu armories, this weapon fires a high energy stream of particles at near light speed, disrupting the targets molecules and or atoms.
  18x 8m Launch Tubes: Missile tubes, they are what you put in them, which in most cases are Hyperium bombs. Comes in some variations, some with many smaller warheads to blanket a large area, useful in orbital bombardment, or to get past point defense systems, others have a single large warhead to punch through shields and armor. There are also variants with conventional warheads, they are however becoming rarer and rarer in the fleet.

Armor and defense

Steel - Carbon Nanotube - Ceramic Composite;
While not the most effective, or most efficient defences in the galaxy, its the best the Republic has, the ship features relatively solid frontal armor, with only critical systems not facing the enemy being armored. The ship instead relies on:
  Kinetic Barriers;
Utilizing the ‘three-dimensional’ expression of the Holzmaan effect, these ‘deflector shields’ are able to project defensive screens against enemy fire. The ‘three-dimensional’ effect can also operate as a sort of anti-grav system. These shields are the main protective system of any of the Republic's ships. However, shields can be vulnerable to heavy projectiles;
  Point Defense Laser;
The one, the only. A independantly targeted, ball mounted single barreled laser for shooting down missiles, torpedoes, projectiles. On this vessel they number a total of 50.

Communication Tools & Systems

Type 1 Holzmaan Wave Long Range Communications Device (HLRC)
Type 2 Medium Range Radio and Laser Communication Device (MRRLC)

Creation Date
Owning Organization
84 built
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
A company of Marines (100 men)


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