Symbis Species in Spaces of the Heart Universe | World Anvil
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"They are manifestations of nightmares and darkness, they will try to bring you down to their level, so only a mentally strong person should confront them," Gretal replies. Edward raises his eyebrows.   "What's your verdict for me then?" he asks, amusement masking his nervousness.   Gretal smirks," you know basic mental defensive spell, you'll be fine," Gretal waves, Edward sighs in relief.   "After you," Edward waves to the entrance of the janitor room, Gretal smirks, patting him on the chest good-naturedly before walking in.
  Symbis are creatures of death and negativity, born by a unjust death or corrupted Magical Warrior, they are the long enemies of existing Magical Warriors, users and fairies. Symbis are known to have no fixed planet and applies to every Magical Warrior.   They prey on negative feelings and have two stages of life and five rating for each Symbi.

Basic Information


Different with each symbi, one can have no limbs, another can have infinite limbs, the structure of their body however, contains the shell, muscle, core and soul.

Growth Rate & Stages

Bubbling (5 - 500,000 souls)

Ecology and Habitats

They create their own habitat, being able to live anywhere, their home are the symbi dimension that works a lot like the pocket dimension only people can stumble in

Dietary Needs and Habits

It consumes life and negative feelings, which includes animals, plants and humans

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their death is a little like a fairy's it gives those nearby strength

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence

According to Universal Life Standards: 2 (Among the Lowest)
According to Energy Standards: 50 (Average)

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Different with each symbi

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

There are some who latches onto their creator but these are more common in magical users than those who do not practice aura manipulation or magic.
Scientific Name
20 years
Average Height
10 ft
Average Length
2600 square feet
Average Physique
According to Universal Life Standards: 80 (Higher than average)
According to Energy Standards: 80 (Higher than Average)

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