Nausa Basilisk Lizard Species in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Nausa Basilisk Lizard

The Nausa Basilisk Lizard is a venomous reptile native to Donora.


The Nausa Basilisk Lizard is a small lizard, around eight or nine inches long (not including the tail which can easily be the same length), with greenish or tan scaly skin. They have spikes on their head, back, and tails and skin flaps on the sides of their neck. They have four legs with small claws on their hands and a long tail. They have large round yellow eyes, which they can move independently of each other.   The Nausa Basilisk Lizards have spikes and scales, that after piercing the skin leave behind venom. This venom is dangerous if in the system, and deadly if it isn’t treated, as it causes muscle paralyzes. Thankfully an antidote has been developed that can neutralize the venom, if delivered quickly enough the patient will live on without any major complications. It may cause permanent weakness or pain if not treated right away.



Nausa Basilisk Lizards are omnivores with their diet made up of mostly insects and fruits. They eat insects by using their long tongue. They will also eat the soft over-ripe fruit from trees and plants.


Nausa Basilisk Lizards live in rocky areas creating nests in the rocky outcroppings or in dense foliage and often spend their days climbing trees to hunt for insects and forage for food.   When they feel threatened or scared they put up their necks to look threatening, if they continue to feel threatened they will charge whatever is scaring them with their spikes sticking out.   They are solitary creatures, rarely living with others, with them only really living in groups when they are raising young. Both parents are involved in the life of the young after giving birth (they are viviparous meaning they do live birth) and they will stay around and protect the young until they are juveniles about six to twelve months later. After reaching that age, the young will leave to find their own home and form their own family group.


The lizard's venom is used for medicinal use and, by less virtuous people, as a deadly poison. They may also be kept as exotic pets.
Planet of Origin


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