Anaiya Ellont Character in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Anaiya Ellont

Anaiya Ellont is a current Coalition House of Representatives member as the representative of Athea, and has been involved in Coalition and Athean politics for years.

Physical Characteristics

Physiological Description

Anaiya is tall with a triangular build and broad shoulders and stands at five foot nine inches tall. She has dark brown skin with cool undertones. She has long textured hair which she keeps in locs and tied up into some sort of updo. She has an oval face with a wide nose and almond-shaped grey eyes.

Clothing Style

Anaiya tends to dress very sleek and put together, wearing classy businessperson looks. She also tends to wear some sort of headband, scarf, or headdress set across the top of her head.

Mental Characteristics

Personal History

Anaiya was born and raised on Athea and was the eldest child, with three younger siblings, of a wealthy Athean family.   Anaiya is married to a man named Eli, they got married when Anaiya was twenty-seven, and the couple later had a daughter Anya, who Anaiya had when she was thirty two making Anya twenty-two years old. Anya is currently studying at a university on Athea.


Anaiya went to private school for primary and secondary school on Athea. She later went to university to study law and graduated with a law degree and certification.


After university, Anaiya worked as an attorney and after some time worked her way up to elected official. She eventually became a district representative for a district of athea and held the office for sometime before running and being elected to the Galactic Coalitions House of Representatives to represent Athea. She was elected to this position five years ago and is currently angeling for re-election as the tenure for the Athean Representative is only five years.

Personality Characteristics

Anaiya is a stern and stoic woman, with strong morals and expectations especially surrounding the responsibilities of the government and government employees. These make her a good politician and lawmaker even if they do make her seem a bit unapproachable and harsh. They also make her a bit of a strict parent, with no time for nonsense.   Despite all this, Anaiya is a charismatic and charming woman who uses these skills to sway people's opinions, and politicians' votes, to work towards an outcome she thinks would benefit Athea and the Coalition.
Year of Birth
2359 ACF 54 Years old


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