Sintar II Geographic Location in Space Opera | World Anvil

Sintar II

Sintar II
Planet Type Type 1 Terran Steppe 1 small moon
Orbital Distance 524 LS (1.05 AU)
Length of Year 377 days
Length of Day 26 hours 16 minutes
Planetary Diameter 13,200 km
Surface Gravity 1.02g (dense)
Temperature Range -35°C to 55°C
Atmosphere Type 450mm with O2 at 92mm, small amounts of methane contamination
Hydrosphere Type 37% 4 landlocked seas and several minor lakes. There are two large deserts but most of the remaining land surface (40%) is prairie
StarNationality UFP Affiliate
Sentient Race Native Humanoid / Human Colonials
Population 350,000,000 natives, 500,000 colonials
Tech Level Tech/7-8
StarPort Rating UFP B Class 2 (Tech/9)
Sociological Data 1
Social Organisation Open Society
Societal Strength 8
Xeno Acceptance 12% prejudice
Government Type Multi-government democracy
Government Support 50% (Vote = 77%)
Loyalty Index 84% (Revolt = 2%)
Repression Index 3%
Bureaucracy Level Low
Corruption Level 12%
Law Level 3 - 4
Economic Rating Average Agricultural / Industrial
Gross Productivity MCR 2,135,000
Per Capita Income CR 6,100
Tax% / Levy 33% = MCR 704,550
Military Spending 10% = MCR 70,455
Major Exports High protein food, textiles, vehicles, mechanical parts
Major Imports Cybernetic and computer parts, petrochemicals, high tech equipment
Trade Restrictions Free Trade Policy
Trade Acceptance 97%

Sintar was discovered during the Great Exodus from Terra around 2100. The Sintarans were at that time reaching Tech/5-6 and subsequent trading and tech adoption soon raised the overall level to Tech/6-7. The natives soon mastered the engineering of space travel and explored their own star system. The human contacts took the surprising (at that time, pre-Covenant) decision that it would be best to let the natives progress at their own speed and not push development too hard.

During the Collapse, contact between Terra and Sintar dwindled to the point of non-existence and Sintar's development stagnated until it was re-contacted by the Terran Union in 2307. The Terrans were surprised by the Sintarans' decision against interstellar exploration and colonisation, but once further technological assistance was accepted they have developed native spaceship designs, mainly based on older Terran models. The Contact Service has instituted a 'hands-off' policy, allowing the native society to progress at its own pace and the planet was granted Affiliate membership of the UFP on an independent basis in 2510.

The Sintarans are very closely related to humans genetically with inter-breeding possible. The only significant difference being that, due to the atmosphere on Sintar, the natives have very high stamina, approaching transhuman levels.

Sintar II
StarSystem Co-ordinates 3.BB.-49 Sardonicus Sector GSC 15.II.+000
Stellar Primary G2v main sequence star
FTL Conversion 10,000 LS
Planets in System 5