Pansimion VIII Geographic Location in Space Opera | World Anvil

Pansimion VIII

Pansimion VIII
Planet Type Type 1 Terran Ocean, 4 moons
Orbital Distance 324 LS (0.65 AU)
Length of Year 219 days
Length of Day 13 hours 4 minutes
Planetary Diameter 9,220 km
Surface Gravity 0.92g (very dense)
Temperature Range -20 °C to 55°C
Atmosphere Type 720mm with O2 at 204mm (slightly high). High humidity, no significant contaminants
Hydrosphere Type 92% (var.) Nearly all of the planetary surface is covered with shallow seas, exact coverage depends on seasons and tides
StarNationality UFP Affiliate
Sentient Race Human Colonials
Population 3,500,000
Tech Level Tech/9-10
StarPort Rating UFP AAx2 Calss 1 (Tech/10)
Sociological Data 1
Social Organisation Open Society
Societal Strength 9
Xeno Acceptance 7%
Government Type Athenian Democracy
Government Support 64% (Vote = 71%)
Loyalty Index 82% (Revolt = 12%)
Repression Index 8%
Bureaucracy Level Moderate
Corruption Level 2%
Law Level 8 - 9
Economic Rating Rich Agricultural
Gross Productivity MCR 25,200
Per Capita Income CR 7,200
Tax% / Levy 23% = MCR 5,796
Military Spending 13% = MCR 753.5
Major Exports Minerals, food and luxury food, textiles
Major Imports Any mechanical parts, aquatic vehicles
Trade Restrictions Free Trade Policy
Trade Acceptance 74% All preferred goods are +1 / -1 on the T&C index

Pansimion is an extremely strange plant because it is very smooth, notwithstanding the amount of water on the surface. No point of land is more than 135m above mean sea level and even the higher points of 'land' can be covered by the highest tides caused by the four large moons. This means that there are no permanent buildings on Pansimion, all dwellings are aquatic and 'towns' are an accumulation of aquatic vehicles which are constantly changing as people come and go. The larger groupings are to be found near the land (such as it is) and the main activity is gathering the frequent crops of plants that grow at an astonishing rate on the mud-banks between tides. Other groupings engage in fishing, gathering seaweed in the shallow seas or filtering the sediment for valuable minerals.

To add to the difficulties of 'farming', the mud which makes up most of the landmass is slightly corrosive and has a habit of getting in to any mechanical equipment resulting in more frequent maintenance schedules (roughly double the frequency and cost of equivalent maintenance for dry-land equipment).

The inhabitants use modern communications to maintain contact with each other and are constantly engaged in discussions over governance and policy as befits a high-tech Athenian democracy. As there are no permanent buildings there is no 'centre of power' that goes with a more republican-style democracy and the Athenian model works well.

Pansimion VIII
StarSystem Co-ordinates 4.FF.-40 Sardonicus Sector GSC 15.II.+000
Stellar Primary K6v main sequence star
FTL Conversion 10,000 LS
Planets in System 9