Outis VI Geographic Location in Space Opera | World Anvil

Outis VI

Outis VI
Planet Type Type 1 Terran Desert, 3 moons
Orbital Distance 451 LS (0.9 AU)
Length of Year 384 days
Length of Day 19 hours 17 minutes
Planetary Diameter 10,420 km
Surface Gravity 0.79g (dense)
Temperature Range -25°C to 75°C
Atmosphere Type 510mm O2 at 110mm. Significant levels of sulphur and methane contamination with high silica levels caused by high wind speeds
Hydrosphere Type 11% No oceans and few shallow seas with variable water levels by season
StarNationality UFP Associate Member
Sentient Race MekPurr Colonials
Population 280,000 (3,200,000 meks)
Tech Level Tech/10
StarPort Rating MekPurr AAAx2 Class 1 (Tech/10)
Sociological Data 1
Social Organisation Open Society
Societal Strength 9
Xeno Acceptance 7% prejudice
Government Type Feudal Aristocracy
Government Support 50% (Vote = 62%)
Loyalty Index 85% (Revolt = 5%)
Repression Index 5%
Bureaucracy Level Low, very efficient
Corruption Level 6%
Law Level 4 (8 - 9 for off-worlders)
Economic Rating Rich Industrial
Gross Productivity MCR 27,200
Per Capita Income CR 8,500 / mek = CR 97,143 / MekPurr
Tax% / Levy 45% = MCR 12,240
Military Spending 35% = MCR 4,284
Major Exports Petrochemicals, vehicles, robotic equipment, mech. parts
Major Imports Industrial metals, food, wines, luxury goods, textiles
Trade Restrictions Free Trade Policy
Trade Acceptance 89% Petrochemicals are +1 if sold on Horus, all imports are +1 on the T&C index.

The MekPurr colonists on Outis originated from the Baast group in the Terran sector and formed a united colony which was granted Mm'srrl status in 2134. These MekPurr are not aligned with the inhabitants of Fastar which is a member of the Carthaginian Confederacy.

The MekPurr of Outis are quite numerous, considering the harsh conditions on the planet and live in well-automated semi-submerged dwellings which are as often as not covered by the shifting sands. The whole system is well patrolled, ensuring the safety of the water supplies which are extracted from the two gas giant taps in operation.

The air on the planet is thin and dust levels are high, so protective suits and respirators should be carried / worn at all times and personnel are advised to check the storm forecast well in advance of any travel which goes more than a few kilometres from a settlement.

This planet was once prosperous with life as is evidenced from the petroleum deposits found in many regions. It is not yet know what caused the decline in complex life forms but they have lost all hold on the ecosphere as it is all very dusty and desert conditions. The MekPurr have chosen not to exploit the planetary hydrocarbon deposits because of the high level of mechanical breakdown sue to the dust, it being easier to extract the required hydrocarbons from the gas giants in system.

Outis VI
StarSystem Co-ordinates 8.FF.+86 Sardonicus Sector GSC 15.II.+000
Stellar Primary G6v main sequence star
FTL Conversion 10,000 LS
Planets in System 11**