Busiris III Geographic Location in Space Opera | World Anvil

Busiris III

Busiris III
Planet Type Type 8 Terran Extreme Inner Ecosphere
Orbital Distance 549 LS (1.1 AU)
Length of Year 398 days
Length of Day 27 hours 30 minutes
Planetary Diameter 14,060 km
Surface Gravity 0.92g (moderate)
Temperature Range -10°C to 74°C
Atmosphere Type Terran normal 701mm with O2 at 189mm No contaminants
Hydrosphere Type 61% 11 subcontinental landmasses with numerous islands. Equatorial regions are very humid with severe storms. High latitudes are more temperate to sub-tropical.
StarNationality Member of the Rauwoof Confederation
Sentient Race Rauwoof Canines
Population 169,000,000
Tech Level Tech/9
StarPort Rating Rauwoof AA Starport Class 1 (Tech/10)
Sociological Data 1
Social Organisation Open Society
Societal Strength 8
Xeno Acceptance 11% prejudice
Government Type Republican Democracy
Government Support 43% (Vote = 66%)
Loyalty Index 71% (Revolt = 9%)
Repression Index 11%
Bureaucracy Level Moderate
Corruption Level 7%
Law Level 13 - 14
Economic Rating Rich Agricultural
Gross Productivity MCR 1,242,150
Per Capita Income CR 7,350
Tax% / Levy 14% = MCR 173,900
Military Spending 12% = MCR 20,868
Major Exports Foodstuffs, polytextiles, medical materials
Major Imports Starship equipment, electronic parts, cybernetic & computer parts
Trade Restrictions 1% import duty
Trade Acceptance 85% All imports have a +1 modifier on the T&C index

Busiris III is a hot planet but cannot be classed as a jungle planet because the heavy vegetation is restricted to the equatorial regions. The higher latitudes are extensively use by the Rauwoof for farmland and large areas have been cleared of subtropical jungle. The land at middle latitudes is mostly used for exotic medical plants (Quoropa etc) which provide a substantial boost for the economy. This extra revenue is being used to maintain a starship link with the Rauwoof Republics in the Helix Nebula. The canines of Busiris are still expanding their starship facilities and some regular trade is coming from the Helix Nebula now that suitable facilities exist. This planet provides a vital contact line with enemies of the Azuriach Imperium and Federation ships are often here as the UFP is anxious to maintain friendly relations with the canines.

As well as the starship program the canines are starting to use meks to improve the productivity of their farms, especially in the tropical zones where conditions are hazardous, The equipment needs constant maintenance due to the rather vicious moulds and fungi that infest systems with surprising regularity. Along with these there are various virulent strains of bacteria and diseases including the feared Busirian Swamp Fever. All personnel intending to travel anywhere near the subtropical or tropical zones must have full XAB shots and have full XAB medical support available.

Busiris III
StarSystem Co-ordinates 3.DD.+22 Sardonicus Sector GSC 15.II.+000
Stellar Primary F4v main sequence star
FTL Conversion 10,000 LS
Planets in System 7*