Ghost Talker Profession in Soul Graft | World Anvil

Ghost Talker

There's power in old bones and congealing hearts. We all know this.   Some, however, can coax a bit more life out of those old bones than the rest of us. By constructing an effigy out of the odd bones and organs, before sealing them in special made urns, a Ghost Talker can bring a sort of spirit back to the material plane to do their bidding.   These spirits can range from tiny little Jorigumo spawn, crawling across walls to spy and eavesdrop, to reenacting the final conflict within the labyrinth as the Minotaur crashes about towards your enemies. Ghost Talkers are able to link themselves to the summoned spirits, seeing and hearing through their senses for a time and controlling their actions in a more direct fashion.   The tech required to support this sort of action is extensive, taking up much of the space within the body as well and requiring quite the bill be paid before any spirit is ever summoned.
A common trait between many long-time Ghost Talkers is a varying sense of depersonalization, ranging from moments of out-of-body sensation, to full on loss of ego.

Cover image: by NIghtcafe AI image generation, user provided prompt


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