The Spawner Geographic Location in Sonnerand | World Anvil

The Spawner

Every 200 years or so, the skies over Dellwind begin to glow a dull pink color at night as The Spawner begins to shear over Sonnerand's upper atmosphere. The Spawner is a comet that comes shockingly close to impacting Sonnerand whenever it makes its pass by.   The Spawner is seen as a terrible and deadly omen for many people around the world. The comet itself is a direct threat. The most pressing threat is how an impact event seems imminent, as the comet has only come closer and closer with each pass.   The second, technically not as bad but far more tangible, threat are the visitors The Spawner brings to Sonnerand. The comet gets its name for this phenomenon. Whenever The Spawner flies overhead it seems to leave thousands of tiny specks in its wake. These are not bits of the comet breaking off, they are creatures burning in the atmosphere as they hurtle towards the ground. They impact all over the world, many land in the ocean while others destroy buildings and forests.   Somehow, these creatures are not harmed during or after the impact. Yet once they are on the planet's surface, they can be hurt and killed like anything else. They are the appearance of cosmic madness, the Star Spawn.   Like the people who inhabit Sonnerand, many of these Star Spawn are not overwhelmingly powerful or durable- though one is certainly capable of killing the average person. Their milky round eyes carry no expression, but their entire forms seem driven by a compulsion to destroy and exterminate.   Certain Star Spawn are far more powerful. Thankfully, they do not fall as copiously as the weaker members, yet others have displayed shocking combat abilities or magical capabilities. The most powerful seen thus far have had the ability to bend space around them.   The Star Spawn are believed to be weakened by being on Sonnerand's surface. The major cities and towns of the world have defenses specifically for The Spawner and its guests. In smaller towns, militia line up on walls to fire arrow volleys at any that land nearby, while larger cities mount huge guns to their towers and walls to brutally blast them out of the sky.   All of this is for good reason. Many towns have been razed by the Star Spawn over the years and an unchecked Star Spawn group is capable of reproducing and growing the horde. Thankfully, the Star Spawn seem compelled to throw themselves towards the nearest mote of civilization. The largest horde in history was secretly repelled by Eris-Iris in an epic underwater battle filled with mines and torpedos known as the Battle of the Glowing Sea. The defeated Star Spawn numbered in the thousands after reproducing over and over under the sea. For this reason, Geneca sends an array of gunboats over the sea when The Spawner flies overhead.   There is always the lingering fear that in some forgotten, secret corner of the world, like Iuan, a mass of Star Spawn are constantly growing, and waiting.


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