Diamond-Eyed Gemcat Species in Sonnerand | World Anvil

Diamond-Eyed Gemcat

"It was like the glacier itself was pushing us back-- a hell of a storm it was. I swear I even heard thunder during the blizzard, it even took out our compasses. I figured we were done for and started making my peace and appeals to Heartha and Glistor and the like, I think a few of the others started to cry. Well, it was like our thoughts and prayers had been heard.    Those eyes. I'll never forget those eyes. The way they shone through the storm, the way they looked through me. I do not know what infinite wisdom the Gemcat holds in its heart, but thinking of those eyes still shakes me to the core. It was like staring into sun-- it felt wrong, it felt like I should look away.   The creature strode through the storm like its pelt was made of permafrost. It never made a noise, it never left a footprint. But with the gods as my witness, it led us to safety, it led us to warmth, and it watched over us all night.   The storm and the gemcat were both gone when we woke up. I don't even remember falling asleep. I wish I could see it again, I would thank it best I can... I named it 'Paragon.'"   
  • 2nd Glacier Expedition Leader Parx D'erth.
  • The extremely rare Diamond-Eyed Gemcat is the most elusive and mysterious of the various breeds of gemcat. Like the name would suggest, the eyes of this creature take on the appearance of fathomless diamond gemstones with a diamond shape. The pupils of the creature appear as two softly burning white motes of light within the gem eyes.   Gemcats are a status symbol among the elite of Sonnerand. In various parts of the world varieties of gemcat can be found in the courts and noble houses of the upper classes. Perhaps the most popular variety of gemcat is the Ruby-Eyed Gemcat, which is said to bring good luck and serenity and makes for a loyal and jovial companion.    The Diamond-Eyed Gemcat, in contention with this, is aloof, solitary, and only appears in moments of extreme duress in extreme locations.    Gemcats seem entirely impervious to inclement weather of any variety, from sand storms to blizzards. There is even one report of a Diamond-Eyed Gemcat appearing on a sinking ship in the middle of the Ravarina Ocean.    For this reason, magical scholars speculate that Diamond-Eyed Gemcats have a latent teleportation or planar transport ability like that of phase spiders or blinkdogs. Efforts to verify this claim are constantly thwarted. A Diamond-Eyed Gemcat has never been captured, nor has one ever been killed at the hands of Sonnerand's peoples.    Diamond-Eyed Gemcats are said to be incredibly intelligent. This is true. The gemcat has an intellectual ability comparable to a post-doc student and an inherent wisdom comparable to the most enlightened of Arch-Druids.   There is other theories and speculation that what people refer to as "Diamond-Eyed Gemcats" are actually shapeshifted people or magically created illusions. These theories are all false. The Diamond-Eyed Gemcat is assuredly its own being with its own will, machinations, and plans. The creature is just enigmatic in the extreme.   The only area of the world where one would have a reasonable chance of encountering the Diamond-Eyed Gemcat is in the faraway and secretive land of Emeryth. Less than 100 people from Moroam and Geneca combined have been to Emeryth, and even less have returned. For this reason, only the most dedicated of scholars, biologists, and adventurers are willing to chance it.   Diamond-Eyed Gemcats have impressive magical abilities. These abilities take the form of second-to-none tracking and location magic. Diamond-Eyes can find the optimal pathway out of any concerning situation they find themselves in-- as in magic quite literally points them in the optimum direction of least harm and resistance. This is what allows Diamond-Eyes to act as saviors and guides to the misbegotten and weary.   The only hint to the truth of the Diamond-Eyed Gemcat appears in the dreams and visions of followers of Olshenvire, God of Isolation, The Lost, The Wanderer, and The Sojourner. In many instances, Diamond-Eyed Gemcats permeate the dream and vision.
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    Aug 7, 2023 11:52 by E. Christopher Clark

    Well done! The part that hooked me was in the opening quote (and I don't usually love opening with quotes): "I'll never forget those eyes. The way they shone through the storm, the way they looked through me."

    Now it's time for the awkward wave.