The Dreamlands Geographic Location in Songs Of Shadow | World Anvil

The Dreamlands

The act of dreaming was thought throughout many civilizations to be a method in which beings could briefly transport their consciousness to an alternate dimension. The truth however behind it, is far more eldritch. The Dreamlands are not an illusion, they are a real place. The mere fact that individuals can take items from The Dreamlands and bring them back to the Waking World is proof that it's a place equally real.   The Dreamlands, also known as the Wildspace of Ygdrassil, which exists as the location of the Philospher stone is contained within, or the 'material plane', surrounded by countless ephemeral dreamscapes produced from said Philospher stone like a foam.   The Dreamlands' semi-permanent core is formed from slumbering desires, and the dreams of especially powerful individuals, like the Outer Gods and Great Old Ones, and the ambient energy of the great tree Yggdrasil. It can be entered mentally via the obscure occult ritual known as the Dreamlands Excursion which involves pacting to a dreamlandic entity, and is less accessible than individual dreamscapes which have been easily outstretched to by the 'Dream' spell. A individual that physical that enters the Dreamlands' core for the first time descends what is called the 'Eight-circuit Model of Consciousness.' These 'Circuits' serve as a gateway to the 'true' dream. The only individuals able to get into the 'True' Dreamlands are individuals blessed with Psionic abilities.   Surrounding the Philospher Stones' stable core is a foam of transient dreamscapes, each the dream of an individual sleeping mortal, constantly forming and evaporating when someone goes to sleep or awakens. These bubbles are usually harvested off the 'sun' like Philospher stone within the dreamlands as food and energy for Dreamlandic entities who may latch on to sip from the foam.   These can be viewed from the top of the Dream, but can only be entered by those who possess the appropriate kind of esoteric magic. Certain dreamers have learned how to lucidly dream, consistently gaining access to the Dreamlands in their sleep or even abandoning their waking life for it. Artifacts like the Keys of the Seals are the only things that can open pathways to the Dreamlands for physical forms to move through.

Areas Within The Dreamlands

  • The Death March. Navigateable by a number of creatures of mortal persusian, it is a pathway from the bottom of the Dreamlands to the Very Top, also called 'The Trunk of Yggdrasil'. It has been shattered in several positions since the events of Steelport making transport between it extremely difficult. It is filled with malicious and dangerous abberant entities from the Far Realms and is overlooked by the beacon of Shi's Awoken Eye since the creation of the Philospher stone, staring right towards it, reaching out her influence to tap the runic language to signal 'SoS' to all farlandic entities who ally with them, making passage impossible to anything short of a concentrated force of divine entities.
  • The Lands Between / The Dreamscapes / The Quantum Foam. The place between the First Circuit of Conciousness and the Philospher Stone, manifested up from the slumbering dreams and desires of mortals and gods alike, chaotic and shifting landscape that is always changing, with the base ground serving as the surface of the Philospher Stone.
  • The Eight Circuit Model of Conciousness. The gateway between the Philospher Stone proper and the Dreamlands True. Works as a great filter between the two places and the further down you get the more otherworldly and chaotic it does as well. Most entities that wish to interact with mortals whether malicious or beneficial manifest themselves somewhere within the eight circuit model, and the ones who wish to become mortal will linger on the first layer of conciousness.
  • First Layer - Edge Of The Abyss. Hidden Location of Tir Na Nog, The 1st layer is the most shallow section of the Dreamlands, right below the eight circuits of conciousness. It appears as a massive empty black drop with a gravitional field that pulls and rips downward, how deep it goes is currently undocumented.

The Denizens of the Dreamlands

  • C'Tan. Shi and Tiathao's influence, Dream/Nightmare, the Ars Goetia/Sans Angerium. Invaders from the Far Realms, who feed off of the burnoff energy that entites and places provide by existing.
  • Farspawn. Fusian, Mimikry, Dannan, Eimi, Etc. Creatures borne from the natural processes and biology of the Persimmiary Supercluster Tree. Serve the purpose as a biological 'ecosystem' to keep the tree and its residents alive.
  • Fusian. The 'greater mind' of planetary bodies. Or more so specifically, the brain behind the sentient planets. Highly intelligent but unable to communicate with physical beings such as humans, Fusians manage the internal cores of planets and incubate themselves within the planet, which gives it its lifeforce. If the local Fusian feels threatened, it will disconnect itself from the planet, causing the core of the planet to go cold and the planet to slowly die.
  • Mimikry. The morphous remains of long dead and expunged souls given physical form. Able to mimic humanoid life and nonsentient objects to hunt their prey.
  • Tutha' De' Dannan. 'The First Elves' or more specifically the 'Folium' of the tree of Yggdrasil. The sentient leaf, flower, bark fragments, and foliage that manifest off of the trees of existence like Yggdrasil. (They are called the First Elves because their 'percieveable' forms appear elven to our minds. But the truth lays beyond their physical form of plant-like warping entities.
  • Eimi. The veins of Yggdrasil, or sometimes called the Worms of Yggdrasil, these massive entities should be extremely easy to find as they are said to coil around all of the membranous sack of the dreamlands, and all over the philospher stone and within. However, like earthworms, they bury themselves deep within alternate dimensions of perception to be undisturbed. Transferring nutrients of the Farlands to the Local Wildspace.
  • Deva/Ars Goetia. The 72 negative energy C'tans who were produced by Nightmare, who then sacrificed themselves for the creation of the Rebis.
  • Solars/Sans Angerium. The 72 positive energy C'tans who were produced by Dream, who then sacrificed themselves for the creation of the Rebis.
  • Ikons. The shattered echos of the lingering energy of the Solars and Devas. Sentient minor dieties in their own right, but evasive of most forms of life unless they are beckoned by a Manifester.
  • Glyphnodes. Sentient runes of the first gods of Yggdrasil, working similar like little familiars should they be attracted and beckoned. Mysterious, and evasive entities.
  • Asfaraba. Thought and belief based entities that evolved simulatiniously alongside sentient mortal beings. Which came first is a stupid question because as long as one has existed so has the other. Influence domains of emotions, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Aspectrals. Similar to Mi'Go, manifesting from the existence of mortals, and creating their own 'dimensions' of being. Mind, Heart, Soul, and Body are the realms of being, and in the dreamlands these realms are home to Aspectrals, entities which manifest to creature a complete 'Ego' within the Dreamlands.
  • Ego. A reflection of a creature for the main attuned Dreamlands, born from the Realms of Being, Also referred to as your 'reflection.' Most individuals hoping to ascend will need to either kill or merge with their Ego to continue ascending. The ego is a cullmination of not only how you see yourself but how others see you.

Unique Dreamlandic Connections

  • Mirage. Can best be described as a wielder's other self or an entity that aligns themselves with the goals and ambitions of that specific mortal. They are called Mirages as they act like an apparition for the wielder empowering them with the ability to cast magic and even use martial skills, though at the cost of one's vitality.
  • Evoker. Beings with the power to wield a magical artifact known as the Armiger. With this tool, they wield the ability to open or close any lock in existence, including the barriers between worlds.
  • Psions. Individuals whom have attuned their mind to the deep dream practice of 'Psionitry', and manifest unique and potent abilities in the waking world.
  • Manifesters. A branch of Psions who have learned how to coax, beckon, and summon Ikons for their residual power.

Unique Dreamlandic Items

  • Marrow Ball. Serving as a conduit to allow Dreamlandic entities to become mortal, and become 'stable entities', created from the condensed matter of ripping another dreamlandic entity up through the eight circuits of conciousness without warning. Often produced and sold by Mi'Go or Mimikry.
  • Qualia. Crystals that harmonize with the energy of Lyfe, things of great psionic powers that can open doors like any other key. Have personalities based around the elements. Use song as a power device.
  • Armiger. The will of an Evoker made manifest into a weapon. These take on forms that the wielder wishes and are a manifestation of one’s soul.