Kirin Species in Songs Of Shadow | World Anvil


IMPORTANT NOTE. If you wish to play a Kirin, understand that these creatures are aliens. They are soft spoken individuals of good only alignment. While Byakkos may be divine arbiters of justice, Kirins are creatures of serenity and peace. They tend to be scholarly, or dislike being frequently bothered, and one of their favorite past times would be meditation.
Premura's songs sing many praises of their peace, and the guardians of said peace, the Kirin. With no actual ruling power, and purely all symbolism, it's not surprising to know some more nefarious forces in Premura value the species' unique arcane ivory bones to be used in medicine and witchcraft.
— The Great Wizard Lorenzo
  One of the rarest, most awesome, and most powerful creatures ever known in the greater Premura history is the unicorn-like Kirin. It is a regal animal, holy and highly revered, and often considered a walking god in its own right. The kirin is a chimerical beast resembling a deer with scales like a dragon’s covering its body. It has a tail like an ox’s and a flowing mane with mighty antlers. Its body and mane are covered in brilliant holy fire.   A generally gentle animal, the kirin never eats the flesh of other beings, and it takes great care never to tread on any living thing, even lowly insects. When it walks, it does so without trampling a single blade of grass. Its beauty is only surpassed by its rarity; kirin only leave their mysterious hideaways and appear during periods of peace, during the reigns of noble and enlightened rulers, in lands owned by wise and benevolent people, or as heralds of a golden age. Kirin never harm good and pure souls, but they are swift and fierce to attack if threatened, breathing holy fire from their mouths.   Because Kirin are beasts of purity and goodness, they have been used in carvings and paintings as symbols of these virtues since early times of Premura. They are also seen as symbols of justice and wisdom. Because of their holiness, images of Kirin frequently adorn temples and shrines dedicated to the Dhedes within the region. They are omens of great luck and fortune, and the appearance of a kirin is often believed to be a sign of the arrival of a great leader or a wise man.   Kirin were originally introduced to Premura via the fall of Conria, where their population migrated between various planets before eventually settling on Ammeriam. They are originally a Empyrean race, and the sustainable population of them exclusively lives in hiding among other Empyreans, only elevating their legendary status further when people whom do not know of their origin choose instead to tell wild stories of their origins.
A Basic Kirin

Kirin with activated Origin Roots

Kirin with activated Prime Roots


Your Kirin character has a variety of natural abilities common with your ancestry.

Kirin Traits


Ability Score Increase Intelligence has no cap. Charisma, Wisdom, Dexterity, and Constitution have a cap of 30. Strength cap is lowered to 8. Choose between Intelligence, Constitution, Strength, Charisma or Wisdom and increase your score for one by +5.


Your size is Large.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.  

Kirin Typing. Despite your ability to take a humanoid form, you are only considered Celestial. In addition you have immunity to radiant damage.


Trackless Step. A kiri leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired.

  Radiant Breath. (Recharge 6). Your kirin exhales radiant light in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that cone must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking (5d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.   Aura of Cleansing Light. Whenever a creature starts its turn adjacent to your kirin, the kirin can choose to have it take 2d6 radiant damage or be healed 2d6. It is a all one or all the other, you can not pick and choose who gets healed and who gets damaged. It has to be all healing, or all damaging.   Natural Training. You are proficient in one of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Medicine, Nature, Survival.  

Levitation. You can levitate a total of 10 feet off the ground. While levitating you can ignore difficult terrain and have an increased speed to 40.

  Root Transformation. As a Kirin, you have two forms. Origin Roots, or Prime roots. It takes a bonus action to switch between them.   In your Origin Roots you have your traditional Draconic head bared on your body. Alongside this you are considered proficient in perception and survival while this head is out. You have proficiency in Animal Handling, and Intimdiation in this form.   In your Prime roots, you have the upper half of an elven-esque man or woman. Instead a blazing mane of firey fur, with scales and feathering along the arms, chin, cheeks, and piercing eyes is the common standard. You have proficiency in Persuasion, and Deception in this form.   Deathless. If the Kirin is killed, it awakens at noon after 24 hours, with one hit point at the location of its body. If the Kirin's body was destroyed completely or if another individual with Humanoid, Beast, Celestial, or Abberant, typing kills you, you are cast back into the wastes of Conria to rejoin it, and are 'destroyed' for good. (See more accurately: Their Essence is Lost Forever.)  

Languages. Common, Celest