Campaign Start Document Document in Songs Of Shadow | World Anvil

Where To Begin?

  You are a sparker. A sparker is very simply: A individual who in some way, shape, or form came into possession of a 'Spark' of divinity. Perhaps you slayed and ate a legendary creature who carried one, only to find yourself blessed with divinity. Perhaps you were born with one. Perhaps a mentor handed down theirs to you. Perhaps your great great grandfather had one, and when he passed away, it chose you to be its new host. No matter the case: You are a sparker.   There are four 'starter' types of Sparker. Calendrian, Noxthyrian, Whitherunk, and Itchel. By the time you become a true god, you will have all four, uniting the pieces to amplify your strength, but to begin with, you only only come into possession of one. The differences are what follows:   Calendrians. Protective, strong, and destined from birth, Calendrians are chosen by the 'Overseers' or one true gods of their respective universes, to be gifted divine sparks. Its a promise of change for a new generation. They may be more apt to be the centers of attention, or be great political leaders, nobles, folk heros and celebrities.   Noxthyrian. Cunning, pack-minded, and dedicated, Noxthyrians are descended from ancestors. Perhaps one of your long forgotten realitives was a Noxthyrian, or a mentor that you once had bestowed it upon you on your death bed. Either way, when they passed, you inherited it.   Whiterunk. Researchers, gifted prohpets, and foretellers of change, Whiterunks are produced uniquely as opposed to other sparks, in that they are genetic and created. Two whiterunks can have a new whiterunk child. Long lineages of Whiterunks used to exist, but their bloodlines were culled in respective worlds to keep their once-vast populations subservient.   Itchel. Spreaders of happiness, joy, and all things good, Itchel were once considered extinct. Used in a gambit by the Mad God Abaddon to destroy all goodness in existence, he had his son, Paimon, turn all Itchels into mindless divine beasts. To gain an Itchel spark, either you tamed one of these beasts and nursed it to health so its mind could recover, to where it had you eat it, maybe you just so happened to eat a fish from a market that was one by complete accident, or perhaps you simply hunted a mad one as part of a bounty and became one with it.

Where am I From?

In the campaign setting of SoS you have planets to choose from. The playable planets are listed below.   Ammeriam

Ammeriam - The Last Stand

The world of Ammearim is one that is ancient and vast, settled within a art deco 'new era' world at its pinnacle technology. It's size lends to the ignorance of its peoples. Some say the great seas never end and the oceans continue on a never ending horizon of islands and continents to explore. In some corners technologies and revolutionary ideas have sparked an end to aspects of that ignorance.   In other corners the world seems to never change from it's ways. Religion and science are the main enforcers of order in Ammearim. Many find purpose behind these concepts. But magic is feared and rare, with most practitioners of it being seen as having an alternate agenda. Despite the call of religion, the gods (and all their strange and otherworldly ways) are undefined and mysterious, granting their blessings and powers seemingly haphazardly to their worshippers and on whims alone.   With many nations and factions to choose from, only one true thing can truly leaned on Ammeriam: Its either us, or them.
Planar Stack
  The Planar Stack is a series of alternate 'planar dimensions' which lay attached to the world of Ammeriam. This is the only Planar Stack in all of existence, and is essentially a hiding place for broken and sundered worlds.
  Avalon & Gaia

Avalon - The New Age / Gaia - The Forgotten

Avalon was thought to be a second chance. Part of a cyberpunk future; an escape from what they had created. Gaia, once great, primordial, and beautiful had been tarnished. Greed. Greed had been the fatal flaw. They pilfered the sentient planet Gaia for its resources, and eventually she fell silent, dead. She provided a home, and yet her surface was ruined, harvested, and forgotten. Those who still remain on the surface fight for scraps, with a world of toxic seas, unbreathable air, disease, and despair. But all wish to reach to the sky, for an escape to Avalon.   Avalon, the golden moon. A land with once alien life, which is sanctioned and quickly becoming extinct to pathe way for the races who came from below. A cultivated, carefully groomed planetary body, kept in place by futuristic technology, false plantlife, artifical food, on behalf of the ERA corporation. Its a perfect utopia, so they say. As long as you keep your mouth shut about what you see ERA do.   With many nations and factions to choose from, only one true thing can truly leaned on Avalon & Gaia: Covet what you can keep, and let the rest rot.

Agni - The Home of Heat / Milthis - The Dead Sibling

Agni and its dead sibling planet Milthis are a quiet location. Hardly out of the middle ages, this planet resides in a constant scorching heat. Its leading pantheon is that of the dragons, and its once leader, Sargon, has molded the history of the planet with destruction in its ancient past, but the fires of rebirth today. A world once borne in war, and forged in the fires of survival, the people here are rough, and break the sterotypes of many types of preassumed traits. Humans are carnivores, Elves are prey animals, and Dwarves are Omnivores. Though all bow down to the mighty Dragons, who stand above them.   The molten sister planet of Milthis, hangs in the air as a grim reminder, of what becomes of those who do not worship the Primordial Dragons. Should you be a divine from this world, you must be a Immortalis (Draconic) Race.   With many nations and factions to choose from, only one true thing can truly leaned on Agni: Never play your hand when you need not to, as the consequences could be disasterous.

Sygil - The Hidden Resource

Sygil nearly did not sit as a blue and green vivid marble of compacted resources that is does today. Various technological states exist all over this world. It was nearly destroyed, multiple times over, by the mad god. It is a world of demi-gods, in an otherwise magic-less world, who exist on the planets surface to war amongst themselves for the seats of the heavens. When the mad god had found it, he staged an invasion, and yet, thanks to a group of noble adventurers, it was saved. But the wounds still persist, as does the danger of a second invasion, as the magical wall that protects the planet will not hold forever.   The people have lost faith in their demi-gods, and with no end to the divine war in sight regardless, the future of the planet is unsure.   With many nations and factions to choose from, only one true thing can truly leaned on Sygil: Hold close what you cherish, as it could be gone an instant.
  Other Worlds May Be Playable Later!  


So Where Are We Now?

In the Campaign of SoS you are a part of an organization known as the Time Tavern. How you got here and the hoops that needed to be jumped through is up to you. It is ruled over by Prince Paimon Solomon Durmad, the son of the Maker, or 'Mad God' Apolloyon. For many vast existences he has traveled the worlds and offered his hand out to fledgeling dinvities. He rebelled from his cruel father, the mad god, and says there's a chance that you can too.   Maybe he came to you in dreams, maybe he found you on the street, maybe you accidentally got wrapped up in Time Tavern business and got pulled in instead of executed when they realized you were a sparker. Regardless he claims, he is removing you from your predestined tragic story. Paimon explains that his father has created all these worlds in an effort to simply torment and torture the divinities who live upon them, for his own amusement with sick and twisted lives. The prince says he was puppeted to work alongside the king, but he managed to sneak out thanks to the help of other divinities.   The prince seeks to overthrow his king father, and usurp the throne, and finally let universes below be ruled by their local gods as they are supposed to, and put in place the 72 Goetian Holy Seats, who would be his true personal guard, so this may never happen again.   As such everyone must work together. But the Time Tavern is far from a functioning group. It is divinities and sparkers alike on a very tense treaty to not harm each other, and work towards a common goal. But many groups within the Time Tavern have their own motives, and are very competitive about it.   With danger both inside and out of the Time Tavern lingering, only these tense alliances you form will pathe the path of what the future holds.

But what is that..?

  The world is far from simple. Questions abound, that are not easily answered. What is 'The Demiurge?' What is the secret behind the Ichor? How did the mad god, become mad? What is his end goal besides torture? What are the subjugated? The soverign? The rules of dragons? There is much 'hidden lore' within the worlds that will change your perception wildly.   You can ask Trix or I for any information regarding any worlds, their cultures, or their lore.

Character Creation?

  Most information on Character Creation can be followed under the Character-Creation Channel on our Discord!   Martial classes or wizard? Congrats relatively unchanged. Pick one of our many subclasses and have fun.   Looking to play Warlock or Sorceror? We use a revised. Those classes can be found in [these books.]   Cleric or Paladin? Pick a god from your planet found [here]. Are you a god's chosen champion? Take a look at [Celestine]. Otherwise base rules.   Spice up you character with some of the homebrew classes found [here]. Fight together with a dragon with the dragon knight, or a projection of your soul as a emergant. Augment your undead creations as the necroficier. Make bombs and alchemy as an alchemist, hex as a witch, read the future as a visionary, and more.   As for races, each planet has an individual spin on them. Talk to Trix or Roman for more information regarding lore for specific planets.   Looking for something familiar? Start with the Mortalis races. They can be revived an infinite amount of times via resurrection spells.   Looking to play someone higher risk and reward? Try an Immortalis races. They can only be revived three times via resurrection spells. Then they are gone forever.   Do you like to live on the edge? Pick one of the Original races. They can't be revived ever.   Want to live within the deep lore, be from the lost land of the divines known as 'Conria', and explore the dark secrets of the collapse? Then pick the Deathless. They can not die under normal circumstances, but sometimes you may find that death would be a greater mercy than continued existence.