Aonaran Military Formation in Songs Of Shadow | World Anvil

"So. You guys done? You going to leave the territory? It's literally nothing personal. We all have to defend ourselves."
— 'Codename Paradox' / Nocturnus to Thanatos Nox Valdis & Arlo Valdis

Leadership: Active

Aonaran is the name of a faction that formed before and during the Ascension Wars that would determine the outcome of who would go on to fight on the Rebis' behalf, and who would stay behind. Nocturnus is the leader of the faction, a strange and large individual standing at 8'3 with a cutthroat yet ominiously-jokey attitutde, but an overall merciful disposition. The faction avoided conflict for the most part, and stuck to the shadows, traveling mostly on a combination of horseback or low profile teleportation which aided the idea to bigger factions that they were no threat. But their members, despite their wishes to remain anonymous in the public perception, and actively avoiding airdrops that would otherwise be meant for them, were a massive threat.   When faced in open combat, under the leadership of Nocturnus who could point out a creatures weakspots, and a relay of not only magical, but nonmagical communication, and psionics, could stay in contact in what may has well have been a interconnected and well monitored hivemind. To say that the faction was efficient was an understatement. They were downright impossible to kill. The leader's natural affinity for shadow magics, and shadow manipulation, made him extremely difficult to hit, and the people of the faction would seemingly die for Nocturnus should the situation arise.   But they didn't.   There was no recorded deaths in the Aonaran faction from the beginning. But their kill count ranges into the thousands.   Towards the end of the war Nocturnus would wander out in the open to provoke attacks, only to have his entire faction which laid unseen nearby converge on the location.
The Graffiti Of The Faction, Claiming Territory