Super Rings Item in Sonder NU | World Anvil
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Super Rings

A Super Ring is a component of the Borromean Knot, all three of which are held separately by the Alpha Intruder, [Beta Intruder], and [Gamma Intruder]. These are powerful artifacts that are able to bend their native monotime outside the respective universes the intruders were born from.  


These rings appear as what they are described to be. They are quite small in size whilst being completely textureless. Depending on the ring, they can even emit visible light in the colors of red, yellow, and blue.

Special Characteristics


Wielders of a ring can effectively bend the laws of physics (monotime) in accordance with their home universe to the will of the user. This is only possible in the universe they invade (the Nueverse in this case).

Relativity Multiplication

To be able to properly manifest the monotime of their universe and manipulate it at will, the wielder can multiply the residual monotime that their bodies are coated in to expand it and create a larger volume of monotime. This essentially creates a pocket dimension. During this expansion, they can engulf any living organism that is in their vicinity in this pocket of monotime without directly harming it through this process. Consequently, anything trapped inside this "bubble"

Delta Flux

As its name suggests in mathematical terms, this application of monotechnics allows the user to accelerate or decelerate the flow of time inside the pocket of monotime. This does not directly affect any organism (such as humans/inhumans and Nuemans) and their perception of time in their own universe outside of this bubble, unintentionally helping achieve the intended effect of the ring wielder as they are perceived to be moving in an accelerated motion.

Tattoo Of The Extradimensions

Using this ability, the user pierces parts of the current universe's monotime to allow the monotime of their home universe to seep in. An application of this ability allows the introduction of material from their universe such as living organisms or even whole planets, an example being the Beta Intruder seemingly conjuring eldritch beings from its home universe.
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