Saturnian Empire Organization in Sol System | World Anvil
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Saturnian Empire

The Saturnian Empire is the ruling body for the Saturnian System.  


Imperial Office

The Office of the Saturnian Emporer is the highest office in the imperial government and sole soverign ruler. They create laws and edicts that apply to the Saturnian System as a whole.


Executive Ministry

The Executive Ministry works for the Emporer, helping to run the more detailed aspects of the empire and keeping the Emporer informed of the daily events happening within the Saturnian System.

Ministry Offices

  • Home Minister
  • State Minister
  • Defense Minister
  • Commerce Minister
  • Logistics Minister
  • Science Minister

Local Ministy

Each moon within the empire is subject to imperial rules and regulations; to ensure this, local ministers are placed on every moon and act as an extension of the Emporer, fulfilling thier will and vision for the moon and empire at large. Each local minister is also given the power to appoint ministry representatives to oversee the administration of their moon's various cities and districts.


Imperial Moons

In order of orbital distance:

Moon Inhabited Minister Population
Pan Gregor Camillio
Enceladus Tidal Cho-Mytoshi
Tethys 2794 Charles Medvadev
Dione Ko Bretolly
Rhea 2793 Nicchris Vandermeer
Titan 2788 Joshak Reiss Salvatore
Iapetus Dana McCormick
Leader Title
Current Leader
Raj-Ignacio Polentessa
Legislative Body
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Economic System
Command/Planned economy


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