Zhojhu Spell in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil

Zhojhu (SHOW-joo)

To reawaken a God

Zhojhu is a spell that not many people know about. This is mostly due to the fact that that there is almost no magic in the world "Where the Gods Slumber." This spell is told about in the Temple Zoujoo (ZO-joo), which is a temple many people think is dedicted to learning the arts of the gods.

In actuality this temple was never dedicated to any god, but to the cult Jungzhou (JUNG-joo). This cult believed that man could be greater than the gods and thought they could extract the gods secret, and become gods themsevles. Just better.

This temple is where the Zhojhu spell is found, any other spell has been erased or disappeared. This spell was hidden in the Zoujoo Temple for the person that was to wake up the gods.

This spell over-all is fairly simple. Entity tried to make it as easy as possible so anyone could do it. However, it must be noted, that because it involves (most likely) waking up a more powerful being than you, the spell contains words that the user might not know or know how to pronouce. And that's bad.


This spell is to reawaken the gods, however if used, said, or done incorrectly the consequences can be disatrous.

Side/Secondary Effects

If done correctly the specified god will awake and the user will most likely not feel any harm. (Although a minor headache is possible.)

If done incorectly the god will experience either a personality change, a power shift, or some sort of bodily change. This could be for good, if the god was evil. it could be for bad, if the god was good. As for the user, if done incorrectly the mind will no longer be able to function. It can be from as simple to a minor concussion or as sever to going insane.


When a user does this spell a tingling feeling will come over their bodies, and for a quick second they will be able to feel exactly whatever god they are trying to wake is feeling. (This is how some can get a headache.) Then they will say the god's name, and that's it.   The god will experience it somewhat differently. First, the god will not want to be woken up, because they don't want a human in their head, but once they allow the human in. They feel more of a pumping in their body, this is their power reawakening. After that they will wake up. The same as before, or with terrible consequences.


The source of the magic for the spell comes from Entity. She gave a little bit of her power to create this "Life" spell.


This spell is thought to have been created by Entity for the day the gods were to be reawakened. In actuality this spell was a back-up for if she or Being were ever to be over powered and the gods taken over.

This was because at the time, other gods were "coming out of the woodworks" and Entity and Being were not prepared. Because of this sudden rise in gods, Entity feared an uprising. So she created this spell so she or Being could be reawakened.

This spell has only been used once. (The god of Tests volunteered. (Don't worry he didn't mind.)) And no human has ever used it.

Material Components
There are no material components needed for this spell, just the ability to speak the correct words.
Gestures & Ritual
No gesutres are needed.
Effect Duration
This spell lasts, supposedly forever.
Effect Casting Time
Five to ten mintues
The god must be directly in front of you.
Almost anyone.
Applied Restriction
if you cannot speak you cannot perform the spell.

Some say you must be 1) Chosen by the High Prophet, therefore being a Chosen One 2) You must have a Prophet with you. However, only the first one matters. If you have a Prophet with you The Prophet might be helpful in giving advice, but in the end it's up to you. The person performing the spell.

The spell must be said perfectly. If any mistake is made please see "Side/Secondary Effects" for the consequences.


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