Merging With a God Spell in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil

Merging With a God

Written by: Akeyla, Head Wizard

Edited by: ███ Chief Warlock
This is a long and complicated spell wrapped in mystery. No one is quite sure of its origins, but that doesn't stop people from trying to use this spell. Merging with a god is extremely dangerous and is warned at the beginning and end of the spell to do this cautiously and with much thought.    There are several things that can happen if one were to do this spell. Besides die, become mutilated beyond recognition, forget that your human and live like an animal, literally become an animal, live your whole life with the mindset of a baby, or die slowly through unknown processes.   But if these things do nothing to deter you from learning how to become the most powerful being, then please proceed with caution and know that whatever may happen to you YOU WERE WARNED.


IF this spell is done correctly, there are two possibly three things that can happen. 1) the caster goes into a deep sleep and wakes up five hundred years later possessed by a god. 2) the caster takes a small nap and wakes up possessed by a god or 3) the caster gets immediately possessed by the god and turns into an all-powerful being on the spot.

Side/Secondary Effects

While doing the spell several things can happen to the caster whether this is becuase of his own faults or becuase of the spell no one knows.  First thing that can happen is 1) the caster forgets the words spell, which are about three words. 2) The caster becomes nauseated. 3) the caster loses strength rapidly and his body starts to age much faster than it should. 4) the caster's body starts to lose shape.    There are several ways to avoid some of these. For example, keep the spell words in front of you, or keep a bucket close by, or have something to lean on. There are several ways to help against these, but no one is sure if there is any way to completely avoid theses effects.


While doing this spell, the sky immediately gets dark and storm clouds surround the area, but the storm usually doesn't start until the middle of the spell when the god is summoned. Besides the storm, everyone's hair starts to stand on end due to the electricity in the air.    What happens around the caster is different. It is said that everything goes quiet and all he can hear is his heart beating and his breath coming out in huffs. in the middle of the spell, the silence breaks and the nausea hits the caster.    After that no one knows.



I, Akeyla, would like to say that this spell is not something that you want to try at home. Or anywhere for that matter. But especially at home.

Material Components
These components will vary depending on where the caster's location is and what he has access to. But the caster must get a certain amount of each god's emblem. These emblems can vary. For example the god of air has multiple emblems, feathers, birds, pictures of wind, himself.    The caster must get a material element that represents each god, and he cannot forget one god. If he does bad things happen. Along with an element to represent each god, he caster must put something important in as well. It doesn't matter what the object or living thing is, as long as it is important to the caster.   Interestingly, the more important the object or living thing the higher the chance the spell works. At least that's what they say, but no one really knows. Since 98% of them are dead and the other 2% cannot communicate.
Gestures & Ritual
In the middle of the spell, the caster will name which god he wishes in this form: "I want ______." If he says it any other way, there will be consequences. At the end of the spell, the caster must say, "I accept." Meaning he will accept any and all consequences and/or benefits from the spell.
Effect Duration
Supposedly. . . eternity
Effect Casting Time
Preparation: Unknown/ Varies Casting Time: 5 hours Manifestation: Unknown/Varies
The caster


Author's Notes

This name is not permanent and may change in the future. The writer was thinking about "fusing"...

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