Entity Character in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil


The Sovereign

Entity is confusing, to say the least. There are some powers that Entity has that are difficult to describe with simply using words. One of them being the very thing she is known for. Creating

But, I suggest, the reason it is so hard to understand Entity is because her people study her in isolation, when in reality she is one side of a coin. Knowing her creation partner Being will help you to understand her.

Entity is the creative creator. She thinks outside the box and makes things purely from imagination, while Being, on the other hand, follows the laws and rules of science. While Being is orderly and systematic, Entity is creative and wild.

Divine Domains

Entity controls the Mind, Body, and Soul of man.

Mind -- The Mind of man is his Personality, what makes that person that person. She creates the way they think, the why they do things.

Body -- The Body is simply the person's literal body. She creatues every body and makes it just how she wants it.

Soul -- The Soul is that person's identity. It's more than just Personality. It's who that person is at their core. Who they really are under layers and layers of facades and illusions.

Holy Books & Codes

The Eraterack, a book written by ß sælek, (SA-leck) (the ß simply represents it was one of the High Prophets.) is about Entity and what is known about her through legends, myths, and folklores.

It is actually one of the more accurate books, since most books written about Entity take place after The Treaty of Deraphan, when the gods retreated to the heavens.

The Eraterack tells about Entity's beginning. What her relationship with Entity was like, and how she "grew up" creating the world. The author will occasionally throw in his own personal commentary when he thinks the reader would be confused or unable to understand something. (I cannot say whether this is helpful or not).

However, as the book gets closer and closer to modern times, I fear the accuracy starts to weaken, since Entity is incapable of creating things with logic. (That is Being's job.)


A five day celebration happens in the first month. This holiday honors Entity and her creativity in making the world. The AfterParty is simply a relaxation day. This is a day to solely focus on being creative and thinking outside th box.   Building the Beginning 1/3 -- 1/8
  • Beginning of the World -- 1/3
  • Beginning of the Plants -- 1/4
  • Beginning of the Animals -- 1/5
  • Beginning of Humanity -- 1/6-7
  • The AfterParty -- 1/8
  • Personality Characteristics

    Personality Quirks

    One of the possibly unsettling things about Entity are the voices in her head. No one is quite sure how this rumor was created, but followers of Entity believe that there are voices in her head, speaking to her and guiding her.

    People believe that Entity speaks to these voices, and tells them about her day and asks for wisdom. In other words, Entity prays to herself for wisdom.

    Whether these rumors are true I cannot say, but if it is true, let's hope these voices guide her to make the correct decisions, and not go into a mad rage and kill mankind.



    Creative Thinker (Vital)

    Towards Being




    Scientific Thinker (Vital)

    Towards Entity



    Divine Classification
    Circumstances of Birth
    Green, Round, and Curious
    long, silky, straight black
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    smooth and pale
    whatever she wants it to be
    Creation God

    Articles under Entity


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