Bubble Day In the Depth of Osayna Tradition / Ritual in Slimea Multiverse | World Anvil

Bubble Day In the Depth of Osayna

Written by GoldLinaric
Bubble Day is a celebration of the Goddess Sylvia and the arrival of spring. This is celebrated through out the entire The Sylvan Queendoms though each nation celebrates differently and at different times, but the dates often land not far from each other.   For the Depths of Osayna The day falls as the waters start to warm from the cold that winter brought. The Sirens use the day to shake off the laziness the cold waters brought and rally to celebrate the Goddess. Despite the name 'day' the celebration in Osayna actually extends for nearly a week and comprises of many parts.

The Task of the Bubblesmiths

  To the Sirens an aspect they admire of Sylvia was how she brought people together, so the beginning days of the festival focuses on the upkeep of the city of Osayna. The various bubblesmiths that operate in the queendom distribute and aid in the repair of the bubble structures in the city. The bubble domes that house land dwellers who moved into the sea, to the guards that protect the city from debris and harmful currents, to the tunnels that control currents that are used as highways. It became customary for the bubble smiths to be offered gifts of hospitality, snacks and any aid provide. Though with Tores BubbleSmithing creating greater access and tools to aid, a new era has lead to many of the smiths bringing gifts themselves for the younger citizen or even putting on little shows. in the land based port similar treatments are given to the city by naga masons.  

The Tores Festival.

  As the city comes back into a clean form, the Tores Family will hold a festival, offering free goods in the name of the Goddess, offering food, drink and entertainment in the sea. The sirens sing and blow bubbles. Often trying to seduce workers on the docks of the port or within the various domes. The festival also includes various shows of various techniques of bubblesmithing, and of the products smiths make  

The First Ship

  . At the end of the week, The Queen of the Sirens holds a small ceremony during the festival thanking the people for their work. offering a reminder of the Goddess's kindness to the siren's and the Queendoms as a whole. The sirens gather in the water of the port as a ship baring supplies for the Bubble Day at Seat of Syl . They sing and guide the ship though the waters of the city. with some even following it for its entire journey.


The festivities of Osayna actually did not start out as a festival. The Siren's were not originally religious, they respected the Goddess Sylvia of course but they didn't have any organized worship of her. The origins of started simply by the Ocean Palace commissioning all the bubblesmiths to repair the city structures that fell in disrepair during the cold winter. This also transpired around the same time the port was loading of a ship of supplies ordered for the Blessed Nation of Syl. given the grand undertaking both of these were it was encourage for the non0skilled labors to offer as much help as could be given. When the project was done the smithies often gathered for a grand feast to celebrate and put aside their qualms.   As time passed and the repairs of the city, and the Queendoms grew closer allowing for tales of other festivals. The desire for a celebration grew. And the Bubblesmiths were eager to let people join in, after all it was a good way to recruit potential smiths and they could show case their products. Given that it transpired around the time of other Bubble Days, and more and more worship of Syl transpired. It only became natural for the events to slowly turn into a celebration of the Goddess as well.


The whole nation takes part, with the smiths and workers being a focus.  As it turns from the work portion to the celebration, Tores Bubblesmithing given its the largest and most reknown of the smiths takes charge of organizing the festival.
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