Follow the Maid in Sleyterra | World Anvil

Follow the Maid

Follow the Maid

The maid seemed a little to please about the stolen art. You sneak behind her and watch as she cleans the floors, dusts the exhibits, and gives directions to people. Her work looks tiring and you can understand a desire to reduce crowds. If she is the culprit you wonder if it would be possible to be lenient with her.

As she starts to turn, giving directions for the tenth time today you fear she’ll see you. Ducking through an open doorway you hold your breath and wait. Your heart hammers in your chest as her voice gets closer and her shadow blocks the entrance to the small room. Luckily she doesn’t seem to see you as she absentmindedly puts her broom in the closet and closes the door. You sigh in relief at not being caught, but it is a short respit as the distinct click of a key turning the lock echoes too loud in your ears.

You are trapped.

What Will You Do?


Author's Notes

Leave a comment where you land, or lend me your thoughts on this adventure!
All art for this choose your own adventure was created by RandoScorpio through MidJourney.

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