Tsera Character in Skyhaven [Ravare] | World Anvil
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Beneath the streets of Skyhaven, deep within the sewer where no one dares to go, thieves of all kinds dwell within ramshackle buildings of whatever garbage the surface dwellers throw their way. Over the last several hundred years there have been countless gangs of thieves, countless attempts at an organized guild, but in all that time only these could find a foothold in Skyhaven. The success of these sewer dwelling thieves is due mostly to the presence of their matriarch. The denizens of Undertown call her Mama, but those who lived through the Ascension know her by a different name. Before the Ascension, Tsera was a beggar, but those who knew better knew her as an information broker. There were few things in the city of Cazz'aren that she didn't know, and anything she didn't know she could easily find out. It was for that reason that Leowyn, the paladin of Kolimei who would one day become queen of Skyhaven, originally made contact with her. Above all things, Tsera was a master of acquiring things that didn't belong to her, and Leowyn was putting together a band of thieves to steal from a god. Without her, they never would have found Kharte's blade, and would have never had a chance of killing Ghaal. After the Ascension, the four heroes went their separate ways. Valymir became Godking, Leowyn eventually left the castle for reasons unknown, Mazot locked himself away in his tower, and Tsera became lord of Skyhaven's underworld.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Though death no longer exists, the aging process still continues. By now, Tsera should be a resident of the house of dust, deep within the catacombs, but somehow she remains agile, needing nothing but the assistance of a cane.

Physical quirks

She walks with a limp due to an injury sustained during The Battle of Ascension.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

If something can be taken from you, it was never truly yours.
Current Location
Year of Birth
Brown with streaks of grey, kept short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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