Airali Species in Sky Unbroken | World Anvil


The Airali are a rare and mysterious group of beings which hail from the Iriol Heavens. At first glance they may appear very similar to Humans, however closer inspection reveals distinct physiological traits that set them apart. Their skin possesses an opalescent shimmer, giving it a subtle yet captivating glow that varies under different light conditions. Additionally, they possess wings that are not of flesh and feather, but rather, are composed of ethereal, ice-like shards, which grant them improved mobility and are seen as a secondary sexual characteristic.



Unlike the majority of sentient races across the Sky, the origin of the Airali is not lost to time. They were created by an enigmatic being known as Alion, which is now officially the highest authority among the Airali. However Alion's direct influence is hardly felt, as the Icon of Alion, a governmental position chosen by a council of elders, is given full authority.



While the Airali are commonly perceived as alien and mysterious, their society is one built upon mundane bureaucracy. The governmental structure of the Iriol Heavens is complex and confusing to even the most learned political scholars from other realms. Law is highly valued by almost all Airali, and while not all may be perfect citizens, it is very important to follow a code or logic of some sort. However, like many things regarding their culture, the actual legal code is nigh indeciferable for outsiders, built upon exceptions, references, footnotes, and generally being rather difficult to understand.
A similar attitude extends towards social interaction. There are endless rules of ettiquette; specific gestures and phrases that must be said in certain situations if one wishes to be polite. Even if one wishes to be impolite, there is a "proper" way to go about it. Even interactions which seem casual and friendly, straightforward and possibly even blunt, are laden with unspoken rules to follow.