Rathford is a city in the Confederacy located in the Verdant Region on the plains. It is under open, safe sky as aerofauna do not usually travel that far from higher elevations. Their primary feature is Rathford's Skyglass Engineer Academy, which the city was named after. Due to this it is also called "Academy City". People from all over the known world come here to learn how to work with Skyglass. It is the sister city of Verdant, which is focused on ship building.
This settlement first started as just the Academy and some support buildings. Over time the town grew, as more and more people showed up to become permanent residents. It came with it's own problems however, as various incidents occurred, including one that burnt down half the campus. After this incident, a safety measure was introduced by having the town relocated to across the river from the Academy. This allowed the town to benefit from the river and become a bustling port as well. With these factors, the population exploded, creating the city as it is today.
Rathford is ostensibly governed by the Lord Mayor. They work closely with the Head of the Academy, the Chief Official of the Rathford Port District, and the local Clan. Occasionally they answer to "The Confederate Lesser Council for Skyglass and Engineer Development".
When a person is talking about the "Academy", people generally assume they are talking about Rathford. It is one of only two official places that teach Skyglass Mechanics and Engineering in the known world. Students generally choose Rathford due to the increased amount of freedom and opportunities after graduation, compared to Keepers of the Crystals' engineering program.
There are other major organizations in the city as well though. Such as the headquarters for "Confederate Port Authority and Administration". Several businesses have built their headquarters in the city as well. These are mainly transport companies. Because of this, the Shipyards have grown into their own district. Which is being lead by, the "Chief Official of the Rathford Port District". Otherwise known as, the "Harbor Master".
Academy District, Residential District, the Shipyards, Merchant District (located next to the Shipping District), and the Shipping District or otherwise known as "Sailor's Town" (located directly next to the Shipyards)
Alternative Name(s)
Academy City
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