Astrocite Physical / Metaphysical Law in Skies of Sideria | World Anvil


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Astrocite is a naturally occurring element on Sideria. Named such because it is believed to have come to Sideria from the stars. It is an essential part of life for all living creatures on the planet. It acts much like calcium does on earth.    It is found naturally in soil and sand across the entirety of Sideria. Plants absorb it from the soil and it is used in the structure of the plants cells. Once consumed by an animal the Astrocite becomes sequestered in their bones where it helps to provide strength... as far as the modern people of Sideria know.   While it is an essential part of the bones of animals, it actually serves a much more important roll. When Astrocite is struck by waves of mana, it vibrates in a phenomenon which manifests externally. On it's own, Astrocite does not exhibit magical properties, but when placed within a conductive vessel, such as bone, its vibration is amplified and manifests as magic.   The magical effects produced by Astrocite differ based on the frequency at which it vibrates. This frequency is determined by the wavelength of mana that it is struck by. This effectively means that the Siderical Stars which produce the mana, determine what magic will manifest at any given time.   Modern Siderians do not know much about Astrocite beyond its necessity in living beings. The first race understood the use/effects of Astrocite and much of their scientific advancement revolved around its use.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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