Conarian Death Ceremony Tradition / Ritual in Skeyer | World Anvil
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Conarian Death Ceremony

The Conarian Death Ceremony is an important religious event with ties to beliefs in the Faith and the well-being of Skeyer. It is an event that requires participants from most of the different classes and allows the people to come together for a moment of religious significance. The ceremony tends to invoke respect from the Conarians and it is expected of them to participate if the recently deceased includes members of their close family.


The History behind this practice stems from a long held governmental problem revolving around the proper disposal of deceased corpses from the dome. Before the Prophet arrived, the government of Skeyer developed several attempts at neatly discarding the bodies including simple burials, cremation, and in more extreme cases, using the bodies as a form of fertilizer for the crops through compost methods. When the Faith started to take hold, the Prophet and the government, before it's reform into the Foremen, devised a new plan to tie the disposal of the dead to a practice of releasing them back into The Abyss. When the Faith had full control of Skeyer this practice garnered heavy religious meaning and maintained this until present day.


The ceremony is performed when enough bodies have been collected for compilation into a singular mass, and a date is allocated into a schedule that they deliver to the families of the deceased for attendance. On the day of the ceremony, the determined families and some officials of the Faith and Foremen take positions to execute the ritual. The people speak any final words for a given period of time, then the officials of the Faith bestow their condolences and cite the words of the Faith before finally the Foremen climb into the vehicle and deliver it to the airlock. The Foremen then prepare the bodies to be dispersed along the exterior of the dome and lay the bodies in an area outside, of which the Conarians are unable to witness. The citizens are then offered their rations for the day to ease them of their troubles and thank them for participating.


The Conarian Death Ceremony may occur as frequently as every week or in some extreme rarities, after several months. The most common schedule for these ceremonies averages between a biweekly schedule and a monthly schedule. This schedule is completely determined based upon the inflow of deceased denizens after a prior event has ended. This is to allow for bulk disposal and to save time that may be needed for other vital activities that would be weighed down by more frequent ceremonies.
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