Closetto Item in Skeigham | World Anvil


Every fine household has to have a Closetto! But do not show it too openly, the entrances to the best Closetto is almost invisible to the casual observer.
A Closetto was a Baradolian version of an indoor sanitation chamber. Inspired by the old Ethoran concepts of sanitation with water, the Baradolian Closetto was able to dispatch human wastes with water into a Town wide Central Sewage system, the first of its kind.
Its development around 1200 AR made a large impact on hygiene in denser populated areas, and curiously coincided with an increase of fertile soil around the sewage exhausts.
The name derives from the fact that a Closetto usually was concealed and made to appear as an ordinary closet. Paradoxically though the closetto was explicitely made recognizable by the symbol of four circles forming a rhombus shape.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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