Florahil Organization in Sinstram | World Anvil
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Florahil is inspired by a post-Viking Scandinavian culture mixed with Middle Ages chivalry and heavy mercenary presences.  
"Could you imagine? One day having fields of flowers, colorful buildings, and an intense cultural love for art, and then the ground shakes and suddenly, three quarters of your homeland is gone?"
-Kibal, Worldly Bard
New players on the battlefield of culture and war in Sinstram due to The Second Arrival, Florahil lost nearly 80% of its landmass, resources, and people as it was suddenly thrown into a new world, with strange neighbors and species.


Prior to it's unexpected Arrival in Sinstram due to The Second Arrival, Florahil was engaged in a cold war with it's neighbor, "Placholder" due to political tensions stemming from ideological differences on religion, morality, and social structure. This nearly 40 year cold war had caused both sides to invest in their military in different ways, with Florahil focusing on its knights and their roles, it's military structure, and the introduction of magic to commoners so they would provide better militia support. Their rivals, Placholder, instead focused on raising elite units of magically enhanced soldiers meant to destroy or otherwise disrupt targets. While Florahil had limited intel on these units, they were dubbed "Overlegen" and were theorized to be able to take over unprepared towns in mere days with less than 2 dozen individuals. As each side was starting to formalize a potential treaty, Centrechâteau, Florahil's capital and seat of power arrived in Sinstram.   Now sharing borders with the reclusive Voclax synarchism and Donrurug tribal wildlands (both also being victims of The Second Arrival), Florahil has found itself without allies and in panicked disarray as its kingdom struggles to produce food and resources that once came from the now Old World lands it once held. As a direct result of losing farmlands and steady sources of food, many citizens of Florahil ignored the kings now (debatably) outdated laws on hunting so they could feed their families. Within 5 years, Florahil's native tulip eating Tickboars and color-changing Paradinaco Songbirds were hunted to extinction, and it's first famine, now dubbed the "Sweeping of the Flower Fields" killed 1/3rd of the already 20% (compared to population pre Second Arrival) masses.   With his nation close to the brink of ruin, Lost King Balder Sørensen made quick and radical action. Starting in 0 SAE, he sent his starving army out into the world as Florahil Gallants, conducted a global search for druids now known as the "Tulips to Bread Expedition" (see below), and passing the temporary "Law of Buoy", in which the crown would pay marked up prices for new ships for the formally landlocked nation. Florahil is still in the middle of the it's current economic overhaul, with the Florahil Gallants being the most effective strategy.  

Tulips to Bread Expedition

Coin and Magic forge our Path.



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