Frelium Material in Silziirii | World Anvil


Frelium, its a darkish blue and gray metal that is primarily used for commerical trade. Its significance in the trade market lies in how the meatl reacts to heat. When put into contact with a flame the metal begins to emit a sort of steam that has the properties to put the items within the gas to freeze. This sparked a revolution in technology and helped produced one of the most profoound inventions known today. This invention is called the Frelroom; the way it works is very simple, the frelium is placed below a pipe that collects the gas in a box as the metal is burned beneath it. The way the trapped gas is utilized is by pereserving food by freezing it. Such a commodity is sought after by everyone that the demand outscales the supply by miles This results in hefty steep prices for any quantity of frelium. Note that frelium can be mined abut 80 meters deep into the ground. The process of how frelium is made naturally is through geothermal heat, radioactive decy, and pressure. When iron is incased in blue ice deep undergound, the ice is slowly melted over time and solidifies to create a layer over the iron. After going through this cycle serveral times frelium is made. However, with the demand so high their has been a shortage of frelium thus resulting in the making of fasle frelium where the metal is artifically made instead of being natrually mined. The process of making frelium is still the same as underground just faster with less potency. The solution to how it is artifically made is by creating blue ice by infusing ice with mana that gives it that magical component to mutuate the iron. By doing this a new jobs have arisen into the ranks of the world known as artificers. Also note that a secret of how to make frelium weapons is a family secret to some people residing in Jokull.


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