Hastur Ethnicity in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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The Hastur are the people from the desert country of Hastur. While most Hastur live along the northern coastline of the Glass Sea or the shores of Brightwater Bay a number hold to their ancient roots and ways as nomadic tribes roaming the Khalshar Desert upon camel back. Hastur are typically fundamentalist followers of the Order of the Immaculate Light and adhere to strict religious doctrine and are suspicious of those of other faiths.   Among the Hastur there is one dominant bloodline which is the standard Hastur bloodline and one recessive bloodline the Solis which accounts for about 10% of Hastur and is a seemingly random manifestation of Alma’Bor’Soen gift to the Hastur during the Chaos War, this gift typically begins to manifest itself with the onset of puberty and transforms the Hastur into a Solis.  


Ability Score Increase +1 to all ability scores
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Languages. You speak common, Hastur, Common and one other language of choice.



Ability Score Increase See Aasimar
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

See Aasimar

Languages. You speak Hastur, Common and Celestial.

Cultural Opinions

    Aos: They are a little misguided in their faith, but otherwise a trustworthy people.

Dorvai: They are a fallen people who need to be redeemed and shown the way of Auras.

Sorcerers: They are untrustworthy, corrupted by powers that they cannot hope to control.

Xodan: They are pagans that need to be converted to a true faith.

Warlocks (non Alma’Bor’Soen): They are heretics who meddle with power beyond their ken and should be destroyed for everyone's safety.
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