Hastur Organization in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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Hastur is a fundamentalist country on the northern coast of the Khalshar Desert on the continent of Kelia. It is the home of the Hastur people and all aspects of life and society are ruled by the priesthood of Auras under a strict fundamentalist doctrine of the faith.   Life in Hastur is dominated by one's observation and open display of faith and devotion towards Auras. Typically all Hastur pray at least three times each day, at dawn, midday and dusk and if they are within reach of a temple they are required by their faith to attend mass at the temple. Other strictures of the faith in Hastur are things such as a complete abstention from imbibing of alcohol, always having one's heads covered and not eating any form of reptile or avian.   Although those of other faiths are not barred from living in Hastur or practicing their faith they are discouraged from obvious outward displays of their faith by strict hearsay laws and are required to pay a Jizya, or religious tax in order to be allowed to practice any faith other than that of Auras.

Videmus in lumine (By the light we see)


Ability Score Increase +1 to all ability scores
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Languages. You speak common, Hastur, Common and one other language of choice.



Ability Score Increase See Aasimar
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

See Aasimar

Languages. You speak Hastur, Common and Celestial.

Founding Date
191 AS
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Related Ethnicities

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