Order of the Immaculate Light Organization in Sigmà Croí | World Anvil
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Order of the Immaculate Light

The Order of the Immaculate Light is an ultra orthodox Church that worships the goddess Auras and the belief that evil in all its guises must be purged from the world and those whom serve evil must be destroyed. It is based in the Hastur capital city of Tirsong.      

Religious Strictures

  The following is a list of prohibitions of the faith.
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Eating avians
  • Eating reptiles
  • Failing to practice prayers


The Church's members are rigorous in their observance to their daily devotions. They pray at least three times each day, at dawn, midday and dusk, always facing the sun, and if they are within reach of a temple they are required by their faith to attend mass at the temple.
Church Alignment: Good (Any)   Church Symbol: A red sun surrounded by 4 stars (white, yellow, blue and green) inside a silver circle   Church's Domains: Light
Church Colors: Gold, Red and Silver   Sect Vestments: Red hooded robes with gold stole and silver belt with head covered during the day.

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