The Beginning Plot in Siaken | World Anvil

The Beginning

The story of a lifetime.

Plot points/Scenes

Get on Ship Do Renfaire Do blacksmithing Do Fighting Feast. Late night shenanigans All the above happens in 3 days Early morning Alarm Ship goes into Vortex of Doom (really taking it to another land) People pass out. People wake up hours later the ship is moving fast in the water into an Island.   Captain wakes up and signals the alarm for ready for crash everyone hold on tight. Ship crashes into the island People get organized into



Everyone is getting on a renfaire type of cruiseship where people go to have fun watching folks do jousting on horses, watch blacksmiths do work. soldiers fight in armor. Watch pirate show.


cruise ship gets sucked into a portal out at sea. Everyone passes out and crashes on an island.

Rising Action

People are struggling to know what happens. There needs to be people in charge. Initially the captain takes charge but things descalate and a politician was put in charge.
Plot type
The Boarding of and adventure


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