Pafee Leader Character in Siaken | World Anvil

Pafee Leader

Pafee Leader grew up at the hazardous tribes of the grand council, his life often in danger from the rivalry of the chiefs and nobles. It gave him a lifelong hatred of the chiefs and a deep streak of ruthless cruelty – aged 13 he had one chief of a smaller tribe eaten alive by wolves. Pafee leader was crowned surpreme Tribal chief of all of Pafee – the first ruler to hold the title. He crushed the other chiefs , stealing their lands to give to his own followers; he also condemned hundreds of Pafeeans to a permanent state of poverty. They must be strong or die he said.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From his youth he learned only the strong survive and being a smaller country he though being aggressive was what would keep others out. Anyone found on his lands would be executed no questions asked. He made sure anyone invading would be ten fold the amount of troops lost to his one.


Parents could only teach you certain things, but he could learn other things and different things and more things if you get experience of being trained by someone else specifically a master warrior.

Failures & Embarrassments

He had people arrested and execute as he liked. Distrusting the city of (insert city name here) he had it violently sacked and its inhabitants massacred. He embarked on a disastrous and ultimately unsuccessful series of wars with his Wrendon and Seupox neighbors.

Personality Characteristics


To make Pafee such a feared place no one would ever venture into it again. He wanted Pafee to be secluded.
Aligned Organization


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