Kor-Ithari Stone Item in Shireon | World Anvil

Kor-Ithari Stone

A Kor-Ithari Stone is a crystallized piece of Kor-Ithar. These crystals are used in magic items to give them power. They can be either natural or produced by a skilled magic user, although the natural ones are better than the produced ones in any way, though extremely rare. The color of the magical energy of the type of magic will decide the color of the Kor-Ithari Stone.

Natural Kor-Ithari Stones

The highest-quality Kor-Ithari Stones are made naturally. This happens in spots where some sort of magical energy will collect over time, and will crystallize into a physical stone if left alone. The process will take years.

A natural Kor-Ithari Stone will be durable and usually more potent than produced ones, but they are extremely rare and hard to find.


The other way a Kor-Ithari Stone can be made is through a caster channeling power into a spot, usually between the caster's hands. This process take about eight to twelve hours, is prone to fail form the smallest of errors or loss of focus, and produce usable but slightly brittle crystals.

Some scholars have dedicated their whole life trying to make Kor-Ithari Stones that aren't brittle, but everyone have failed. The theory is that a natural crystal is created over several years, while the created crystals are generally made in a day, and forcing all that magic into the developing crystal in such speeds will weaken its inner structure. The main problem is to keep focus for such an extended period of time in the first place. Experiments with more than one creator has been tried, but the slight variation of power as the casters switch, either by the tiny bit of overlap that's almost inevitable to get or a slight difference in the amount of power used by the different casters will either make the crystals even more brittle, or make the whole construction process fail instantly in a shower of crystal shards.

Speaking of showers of crystal shards...

Safety Precautions

It would be incredibly stupid for anyone to attempt to make a Kor-Ithari Stone without some sort of protective gear. Since the process fails as often as it succeeds the danger of having razor sharp shards shooting through the room is alarmingly high. Protecting the eyes with goggles is the minimum of safety gear one should wear, at least if the person doesn't want to become blind. Protecting the throat is usually smart as well, as an unlucky hit might be fatal. The rest of the upper body, head and arms should be able to handle the onslaught of tiny shards shooting into the skin without getting permanently damaged, but it will sting pretty bad. The tiny shards will disintegrate into pure invisible energy after about half a minute after the failed process and dissipate into the air, so there's no danger of getting poisoned or anything like it from getting the shards stuck in exposed skin.

It is not recommended to have other people or animals in the room while attempting to make a Kor-Ithari Stone. Having another living being around will increase the danger of getting unfocused, and if the process fails it won't be only the creator that will risk getting hurt by the shards.

Item type


The different colors of the Kor-Ithari Stones will show what kind of magical energies it's made from. The Kor-Ithari Stones made from Necromantic energies will be black with a small dancing puff of smoke in either green or purple, while a fire Stone will be orange an seem to contain actual fire, flickering through slight areas of yellow, red and blue as a candle.

Cover image: by ColiN00B


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