Shifter's Danger Investigation Agency Organization in Shifting Earth | World Anvil
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Shifter's Danger Investigation Agency

Basically the Shifter's version of the FBI/SWAT/CIA etc. They respond to crimes by sending a team to investigate and "patrol" Shifters to make sure they're not secretly breaking laws. Another one of their large responsibilities is to keep track of Humans who know about Shifters. They have to make sure they're not telling other humans or blackmailing Shifters.   However a very important distinction; they do not fight Demons. They will investigate whether Shifters were involved or not in the making of the Demon, but they will not fight it.   All Shifters can work in the SDIA but Death Shifters and Life Shifters are particularly valued. Death Shifters because they can erase Humans memories of events involving Shifters and Life Shifters can replace those memories. So a Shifter's type can determine what role they have in the SCIA.    While it sounds intense, they're actually really relaxed. SDIA's main two goals (making sure Shifters aren't hurting humans and humans aren't hurting Shifters) takes up so much of their time they don't have much time for any small misdemeanors. For example, it was originally illegal for Shifters to tell Humans about them. But that literally happens all. the. time. So it's really just a big no-no. Instead it's evolved into it's illegal if you don't tell them that you told a Human about Shifting, because the reason the law exists is so they can keep track of those humans.


In the genius words of Marquin Martínez {Book 1 and 2}, "I've never met a Gov who isn't tired and fed up with everything and everyone. Actually, I have. There's always some happy-go-lucky kids just joining that haven't realized our government half tries and is short staffed. Don't worry, they don't remain that way for long."

Public Agenda

"Our goal is to protect Shifters and Humans from each other and to prevent the rise of Demons by upholding the law." AKA investigating people who may or may not have broken the law and surveilling everyone.
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
SDIA (sometimes pronouced S-D-I-A, othertimes "CE-du), Police
Successor Organization
Parent Organization

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