The Founding of Ferethrane Document in Shattered Worlds | World Anvil

The Founding of Ferethrane

This text is written in Stonespeak, etched into thin sheets of iron.     When Feros the Smith was lead with her clan to the kingdom we now call Ferethrane she started to carve out the halls of stone to create forges. The mountain itself had hot, red, blood which would create the ideal environment for turning the wealth of iron in the mountain into useful things for her people. However, it was not long after she relit the fires of the First Forge, than great red dragon took roost there, attracted by the heat of the molten magma as well as the massive iron deposit that loomed above the create forge. Khros Longbeard, who led them here, say the great skill of Feros ability as a smith, and left her his hammer to forge the godstone into its purest form.   When Feros realized the great beast had taken up domicile in her forge she fell upon it with Khros' great hammer. Their battle went on for hours, both tiring as Feros was seared with dragonfire and the great red serpents’ scales were obliterated under the dwarf's hammer strikes. Feros, uncertain if she would be able to snatch victory in this battle, made a great sacrifice, and smashed the massive iron deposit, sending it crashing down, crushing both her and the beast.     The death of Feros angered the mountain, and for a fortnight it sent for a swarm of smoke and ash and spat fire across the mountainside forests. Eventually the mountain calmed and the dwarves, along with Khros, returned to the deep cavern. Khros founded his hammer next to the scorched corpse of Feros and wept. In his sorrow, he took his hammer and climbed on high to the great iron deposit, and forged it into its true, form, a stone fit for the god of the craftsman, etching in depictions of her story, leaving space for the stories for the generations of dwarves to follow. The dwarves of Ferethrane named their burgeoning city Hammerdeep, for the great strike that Feros made to end the beast.     From there the dwarves spread throughout the mountain, forming new settlements within and without and eventually naming the son of Feros, Boic Forgeborn, king, to rule over all of the Kingdom of Ferethrane.
Manuscript, Historical


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